Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I’m not trying to split hairs either, but they had plenty of options to give us the Su-27 with R-77’s and not add the SM (not that I’m complaining). From an aesthetic view, it would’ve been nice to get a slower progression, and then make the SM a premium/squadron. Instead it has the 2nd best Kh missiles available, and a fair amount of pylons for other items as well… all at the expense of being absolutely maxed in BR for GRB (as it should). Point is, Gaijin tends to simplify on some level instead of building things up in layers, which admittedly is a balancing act, no one wants 4 planes in one folder with fundamentally nearly the same abilities.

I think P/AESA is going to be more like greater situational awareness so people are less caught unawares.

Going to be harder to sneak up on people.

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You only play UK though, perhaps your perspective might be skewed? UK has multiple subtrees and Gripens which they never even operated yet somehow they got there anyway. Double standard? Better Tornadoes. Better Mig 21. Better Phantoms except now when Phantoms became irrelevant. Better top tier (Gripen). Better CAS. Better bombers. I honestly don´t see your point, sorry.

Wrong comparison. Germany got the Mig-23 a year after every other Mig-23 operator and only in the form of an event vehicle. MLA came even later.

Conveniently obfuscating the fact that the German Phantom also came a year after every other nation got theirs, including UK, and also only in the form of a coupon.

Conveniently obfuscating the fact that Mig-29A came 4 months after Russia got theirs first and after all the other nations got their F-16´s.

Conveniently obfuscating the fact that all the UK Tornadoes are better than the German one.

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I have earsay that it can go lower, around 4s, but it can have mechanical error, but Panther and Tiger don’t have engine taking fire so… :p

It’s ok, if at least they work on all the other lacking things (armor, mobility, more shells…)

I don’t get the point of an Su-27 for UK.

Didn’t you guys don’t like when we say you want the world? xD

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There’s the Leclerc Evolution, which has an APS and a nice 30mm

Not trying to rip on Morv, but he also only plays sim. The fun of this game is we all carry different perspectives, and everyone should branch out.

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Also as the ultimate (beauty) end of the TT, but mathias gonna say it’s only a proto we know nothing so this don’t count for him.

But i don’t care, i want them :p

They also have loitering ammunition btw, drones launcher behind the commander MG:


If its possible it should imo

I’m talking USSR, but I’d like to see the Su-30MKI for the UK at some point, it’s like the T-90S of aviation, very important to the development of the aircraft and success of the Sukhoi group.

Never gonna happen, even if Gaijin found the first hand source legal that say it can, something named balance gonna come, since actually Leclercs have better Winrate that a LOT of other MBT that have better armor and shell, they don’t want to buff it ^^’

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Oh ok my bad, you answered on EFT/Rafale talk so i got lost ^^

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I barely play the Gripen, mostly the Tornado F3 and FA2, I do fine.
I will never play the Mig-21
Torando is worse, has a weaker tpod and weaker engines (and in air has a higher BR than the WTD61 or MFG)

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All I’m going to say is…

If I wanted to play Leopard 2A5 and Leopard 2A6, I would just, uh… play Germany, xD.

I would much rather just have the Leclercs unnerfed and fixed and wait for Leclerc XLR, Leclerc UAE, EMBT (both iterations) and Leclerc Evolution than get two tanks that have been in the German tree since 2019 and 2020 respectively.

Like… I would be happy with copy-paste Leopards if at least we were talking about 2A7s or equivalents, since those would actually step up the game; but it’s just 2A5 and 2A6 we are talking about here… which, in my opinion, wouldn’t really bring all that much at the very top BR at this point.


How much will it cost to have you play the Su-30MKI when it comes out, record, and upload the video to the forums?

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There is no amount of money

French are just better I guess :p but id still try and put a report theough if you have enough info

THIS is the first things that make me hate the subTT use of Gaijin.


Lame! I’m gonna have to grind UK just to give the forums an opinion on it, aren’t I?

They would have to make up too much stuff for it to happen, unless Gaijin cranks up the “making things up just for balancing” to the tier of a certain “competitor” with a lot more modern and prototype vehicles
Same thing with the EMBT 2022

Only hearsay for now, and since France military keep secret stuff for decades even after it’s not used anymore (yeah i wonder how gaijin have done their Leclercs…) never gonna happen.

But i’m not that sad for the 5s and other getting that too.

I just hope the other nerf would be stopped soon, and that more Leclercs on differents BR comes, alongside support vehicles because only MBTs it’s sad to me.