No, it’s only the car in Italy, that is labelled as a Spanish vehicle.
Smin also said when we talked about this inhuman idea, that a subTT doesn’t mean that every vehicles from this sub nation gonna join the game.
With the fact that it’s absolutly not needed since you have your own eurocanards, i guess and i hope that’s mean this would never happen.
France is slowly but surely running out of “top tier worthy” Leclerc versions to add
The EAU could be a top tier but is kind of a downgrade compared to the AZUR (mild armor improvement for more weight so less mobility) and, for some reason, i feel like it’s coming as a squadron vehicle
The 140 is probably not comming unless the other NATO 140 are and again, at best a sidegrade wshere you trade firepower for armor (+ reload speed and commander thermal quality ?)
Then there’s the EMBT, which pretty much HAVE to come for both trees unless Gaijin wants the forums to be lit on fire by one community or another and do we even know on which Leopard 2 hull version is it based ?
IMO, these Dutch Leopards are pretty much the only opportunity for France to get top tier MBTs that aren’t sidegrades to the S.XXI or AZUR
Just means we’ll probably get the mig-29K in December which will suck
and with exception of the 109 those are tech tree and even reseve
Very true about the plans
I think next step is proper EW in terms of aircraft, throwing some jamming and decoys into the airRB mix
And I think that P/AESA is just gonna be the new “oh wow I was in the wrong place at the wrong time so I could do literally nothing to survive”
Yesss my Gripen will finally look complete with that EW pod
I mean if we’re talking shades of EFT, don’t be surprised if Gaijin does something silly like merging tranches and maybe even adding some less-than-historical-but-technically-possible CAS abilities to paper-over some needs.
Realistically there´s nothing except the EF Typhoon which is not coming this year and as you can see this community is hellbent on cockblocking subtrees for Germany. So nothing.
All we have is hope that Gaijin won´t listen to the local circlejerk community and instead have the balls to add the Swiss Hornet.
Though personally I would prefer if they removed Netherlands from FRA, gave it to GER and instead gave Switzerland to FRA. That is obviously not happening. I´d only suggest to do what I do in the meantime. Play the F-15C or F-16C until Germany finally gets something next year.
Doctrine wise, the only real differences is that the F15 doesn’t require as much escorting/babysitting as the F-111.
The 15E and B1 took over the roles of the F111.
E-MBT (the 2018 version) uses the PSO-VT/2A7+ hull. EMBT looks like a modified 2A7V.
Thatd be best case.
Oh i can totally see them doing that for our Eurocanards, it’s already what they have done with the Mirage 2000-5F that is more a 2000-9 than anything else (hope this keep a place for a future Mirage 2000-9 as a premium once we reach that area)
EFT Tranches and Rafales (on the 3 family) variants probably gonna be butchered a lot xD
Oh its gonna be bad Gunjob is gonna have a hell of a time
The thing is, afaik, there is one EFT, with different Tranches.
We have 3 differents Rafale, with each their upgrades.
Gonna be rock & roll xD
( I REALLY hope we gonna have our 3 lines of Rafale)
Riiiiight, i forgot about the XLR, the one that would bring NOTHING in terms of in-game differences except perhaps the removal of the hull ammo-rack
You don’t seem to understand than even if a Leclerc variants is really close to another, it’s still another vehicle to bring in a lineup, still more choices and impact on the game.
Those would then be the only straight upgrade for France with a vehicle vaguely related to the Leclerc, massive hull armor upgrade in exchange for Leopard 2 mobility
Its too bad the Leclerc lost its unique 5 sec reload