Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Noticed how he ignored this question of yours

Never gonna forget the request for the Indian Rafale for UK, still gonna remember this act of war for the next decade ! :p

Ray tracing, vapor trails, etc.

At the very least some good stuff for sure.


+They can always get F-16ADF “late” with AIM-120, AIM-9M and upgraded radar.

I still apologise for that…

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I mean… it is fair game :p

I actually enjoy the pace we currently have, but some additions could be better timed

and to be honest

last Time I saw an Italian complain about their air tree was the pre-starfighter G.91YS age

More Leclercs, more domestic support vehicle, BIG UNNERF of the Leclercs and they could be meta without problems.

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Also fair but I know theres quite a few who would like another Spanish vehicle

And itll get added eventually anyway

From my perspective. Germany got the Mig-23MLA 6 months before the Harrier Gr7 and a year before the Tornado F3.

Germany got the Mig-29 in teh same update we got the Tornado F3 which was so broken i dont even consider it added until the following update.

Before Britian got a single new aircraft, Germany got the Mig-29G which was the meta aircraft until we finally got a counter to the Mig-29 which was the Gripen C. Which they then nerfed quite badly and still held a notable disadvantage vs the Mig-29G as it had Skyflash DFs vs R-27ERs.

I would say Germany has maintained meta status just fine up until June this year. Far more so than Britain has done so at the very least. and even since June, main ARH carrier i’ve played is the FA2 and i do just fine in it. ICE should be easy in comparison.


Spain technically counts under minor Axis, so that’s the justification for Italy getting it.

And would allow for a total Hornet update with any nation that could get one getting it. Although the Spanish Hornet is the one I’d say is least likely to come out of the ones I’m sure could come right away.

yea ok but like…why in italy?

Theres already a Spanish vehicle there?

Albeit premuim but it is there

I just find it a bit slower than necessary in some aspects. However, I don’t know what Gaijin’s internal plans are and how detailed they plan to go with things.

I feel we just hit the biggest milestone recently with ARH missiles and the next one is stealth. I do not think P/AESA will make any notable change/difference. Gaijin seems to think similarly if they’re putting the Su-34 in with it’s PESA radar.


and there are 3 in the german tech tree and one in the Soviet Tech tree

im sure there are more but I cant remember them rn

With the direction Gaijin seems to be going for BRitain these days, I would not be surprised. Only French aircraft Id not mind in our tree though is a SA Mirage III to augment our 11.0 BR with something super-sonic

Are there? I dont recall any other Spanish vehicles off the top of my head
Though ive a poor memory so that doesnt say much

Technically M47 (105mm) in Italian techtree is in Spanish configuration

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