Now that I think about it, I don’t see any reason for Gaijin to make the Strasbourg a premium ship… They put the Lorraine and the Bretagne in 2 separate lines, it’s only logical that they do the same with the Dunkerque and the Strasbourg.
You’re not comprehending the scale of how much Japan would’ve had to wait for any top tier jet, while Germany is getting them.
Germany got the ICE last patch, which has both ARH and IRCCM missiles, in Kings of Battle they got the 29G which carries both IRCCM missiles and at the time strongest radar missile in the game while still wielding great maneuverability, and in Sky Guardians they got the 29A, which was the 2nd best performing jet and had the best radar missile in the game.
Meanwhile Japan got the EJ kai in Direct Hit, maybe but probably not gotten the AAM-3 two years later, and then the F-15J two and some years later.
And let me add that not even a year after it’s addition nearly every nation had something that far surpassed it.
Do you see why you saying it’s double standards is ridiculous?
yeah but it’s not the best so he doesn’t acknowledge it apparently,
the only thing Germany lacks RN is a good multirole fighter and a good dogfighter with ARH missiles
Germany doesnt deserve Poland let me put it that way. They can get Swiss F/A-18C as a filler but only when other operators get it too.
In this update you wont be falling behind in A2A department despite additions such as F-15E, Su-34 or Mirage 2000D RMV as these vehicles bring nothing new into air combat. In fact they’re taking away from it more than anything.
You can easily wait thru this patch without suffering from lack of 4th gen FOX3 carrier.
By the time you get to Dunkerque it shouldn’t be an issue, particularly after playing Bretagne.
Yes that one.
Yeah I haven’t got much confidence in that. They could also add the Normandie class but I don’t like them. Ideally Dunk and Stras for TT along with a Normandie and a Lyon and then another Normandie for premium.
You are confusing it with the third Richelieu class ship Clemenceau
But that’s good news for that BR for France as the Richelieu’s are relatively powerful though only Richelieu herself has a good reload. But still that’s a full lineup of 3 ships.
I am still crossing my fingers that Gaijin will allow Alsace as she is a gorgeous ship and Littorio UP.41, then France and Italy get good Iowa-level ships.
Can’t wait for Richelieu, i hope it don’t come AFTER the other big boy (even if Richelieu herself have the best reload, i want the Jean Bart with post WW2 refit to make a no fly zone on some km xD).
Actually since we are far behind would be nice to have them first, like the Scharnorst is meta since years :p
Would be nice if they allow Alsace but i doubt this happen, they need to change their rules for that :/
Ignore me, I thought Jean Bart was sunk at Mers-El-Kabir, I forgot it was Richelieu at not even Mers but Dakar, and that she was just disabled. Basically after the Richelieu went to America, the Brits and American’s funded for them to have a refit which amongst other things, gave them good loading mechanisms so they could fire at up to 2RPM.
Its only Clemenceau which would have an RoF of up to 1.4RPM but there is an argument that had she had been finished she would also have been modified to fire at at least up to 32 second reload.
They said prior they would consider ‘completed designs’ so whilst I can’t suggest her, I can still hope she is added, she basically keeps Richelieu’s good side armour (due to it’s angling), and adds an extra quad to the rear, clearly a very powerful ship.