Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Richelieu got indeed a cool US refit with a lot (30ish something like that, if not 40s, can’t remember) of 20mm and 14x quad 40mm bofors

But i’m talking about the Jean bart post WW2 when i talk about making a no flight zone on the map

9x 152mm + 24x100mm + 28x 57mm, all radar assisted and with proxy fuzes, it’s a glorious no flight zone :p


F-111 is a multirole aircraft though, and even if it wasn’t, that doesn’t stop the F-15E from being it’s replacement. It’s a sidegrade to the F-15C as opposed to being a direct upgrade, so it makes the most sense to place it at the end of the bomber line. The whole point of the strike eagle is to be an F-15 with CAS capabilities, it doesn’t make much sense to be after the F-15C.

Please tell me it could actually fire that missile. I want to see funni biplanes launching missiles in air RB.

If France had these I would actually try French coastal. I love derpy vehicles, especially when they can be effective.

Leaks have been right on the money so far, I’d actually be surprised if we don’t get it at this point.

Leak lists aren’t the full list of vehicles being added, and given Gaijin’s trackrecord, i’d expect at least some copy paste vehicles from at least the midtiers.

Poland has enough vehicles to be it’s own tree, and even if it HAD to be a subtree, Britain would make more sense to host it, seeing as how they played host to the Polish government while it was in exile.

Because Germany has better options for subtrees, such as Argentina.

Yeah, that just doesn’t make sense. So far India has been only even/premium vehicles (and the squadron T-80) and that has been considered a British subtree, yet Argentina, who has a number of vehicles IN THE RESEARCHABLE TECH TREE isn’t considered a German subtree.

Because Germany isn’t in as bad as a situation as Japan was when they added in the F-16J, which was added because Japan needed some form of top tier CAS. Germany has MiG 29s and the F-4 ICE for air superiority, and the Tornado for CAS. Are they in a good situation? No, but nowhere near as bad as Japan.

Besides, it would be better to just give Germany Argentina as a subtree. They have plenty of their vehicles as it is, and it would be better to give them Argentinian operated F-16s then it would be to give them something they didn’t have.

Seeing as how it looks like Japan is getting a Thai tree, it would’ve been better, in retrospective, to give them a Thai F-16.

The only resources those Leos are getting is for a new camo. The bigger issue with the BeNeLux subtree is that it takes up a line that could’ve been a line of French vehicles, even if it would’ve taken longer for a fifth line to arrive.

Same reason why GB mains didn’t want SA at the time, it took up a line that could’ve been British vehicles, though SA had 0 copy-paste vehicles from what I recall, so they had more of a point there.


Exactly why I want USS North Carolina

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Give it another 45 min I reckon then we can say no I think

Then again the playlist usually says “Last updated today” on teaser days

this may be the first dev server i miss

I’d say give it until around 5 PM EST (so about another 2hr 40min).

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Thats also true it is earlier in the week then normal so maybe later drop

Can u remake these damn shit maps gaijin ???
It’s not CS:GO


I want the OG OG Hurtgen back where one team spawned on top of the hill and the other spawned behind the city

You’re partly mistaken. Richelieu was indeed damaged at Dakar but quickly repaired, then after Dakar became a Free French port, it sailed to America where it was overhauled. Jean bart managed to flee Saint Nazaire to rally Casablanca in 1940 while it was finished at 50% (The workers worked day and night for two week to make it sea worthy, and it escaped mere hours before its dockyard was taken by the Germans. Its escape is quite fascinating.) After that, it remained at anchor in Cassablanca, where it fought the US/English fleet during operation Torch with its only working turret (The famous duel with the USS Massachussets). It was heavily damaged by US shelling, but since it was half finished and mostly empty of ammunition, all of it was repairable. It remained anchored at Cassablanca during the remainder of the war, giving some of its equipment to the Richelieu. It was only after the war that it came back to France, where the French navy, after wondering if they had to transform it into an aircraft carrier or a hybrid, decided to complete the Jean Bart with an enhanced AA artillery. Which was done in successive steps in 1947, 1949 and finally 1951, when Jean Bart officially entered service.

During Mers el Kebir, Bretagne was sunk, Dunkerque and Mogador were crippled and Provence was damaged. A logistic ship was also destroyed in an explosion I believe. All other ships, Strasbourg and its 5 or 6 destroyer escorts, managed to escape unscathed.

When it comes to Alsace, I’m not sure we’ll ever see it, except if Gaijin changes its rules. It was never laid down and its design was barely finalised, so it’s not likely. Even less than the British G3 or the German H class, which are borderline acceptable because some dude worked on a piece of metal for 2 weeks before the project was shut down. I don’t know about the Littorio UP41, but I’m willing to bet it’s a Littorio with 16 inch guns ? If that’s the case, I don’t think we’ll see any of that either, except again if Gaijin decides to change rules. Thing is, they only bent rules so as to be able to complete the Soviet navy with the Kron and down the line, obviously, with the Sovetsky Soyuz class, since their construction was quite advanced when they were abandonned… which is not the case for either French or Italian projects.

Ultimately, it’s Gaijin’s choice. We’re not above seing some changes down the line but… Not sure they will.


In-game, the F-111 is not a multi role aircraft, it’s only good at A2G you cannot reliably do A2A with it, even in real life it had trouble doing so as we have seen when the navy tried to use it.

The F-15E is no bomber, even if it is used as one it makes more sense for it to be placed after the AV-8B since it’s a multi role strike aircraft not a bomber, this line has always been used for CAS/Strike aircraft i don’t see why suddenly those types of aircrafts should come in the bomber line. Except if they do actually transform the bomber line in a “Heavy strike fighter” line, I guess this is what gets you to think that the Strike Eagle might be placed there, in that case i don’t know and nothing can really confirm this to us before the official F-15E announcement.

If it is placed there tho, I think it’s pretty clear what gaijin intends for the future of the bomber line, and that Heavy bombers definitely won’t come in the near future at all.

I do hope you’re right tho and gaijin understands that the F-15E is a sidegrade of the F-15C and won’t be placed after the latter.

am want now lol

I don’t think. And even if it was possible, at wich BR you would put that thing? xD

That’s why i’m really sad for the actual pity state of the French costal. Lot of options, but only the most boring and blank one (except ~2) for now. (Also damn, the 4 similar starting ship with only one MG… Good job Gaijin to make TT interesting huh)

But still can’t wait next update for grinding them and be ready, have played 2/3 games at best but it’s locked so useless for now to play them. (it’s open on the next update right? Not later?)

Also hope next update bring more coastal, they better not leave us with that bone TT.

I dont even want to go thru “F-15E after AV-8B+” so let me say that Harrier line was always about light strike aircraft.

Also allow me to remind you that strike oriented MiG-27 wasnt added under regular MiG-23. Same when you look at France with their Mirage F1C/CT and Mirage 2000C/D or Israel with their F-16C/D.

F-15s were never meant to be multirole like F-16s or F-111s and that should (and most likely will) be represented with F-15E going after F-111F.


Also if you want to see some future possibility for the French costal (if Gaijin wake up):

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Gotta give me that definition of light because one could argue that the F-15E is light too, at least compared to the F-111F, F-111A and perhaps even the F-105D, none of which are multirole in the game btw.

Thankfully so, i don’t want the F-15E to be placed after the F-15C.

You’re right, they were never meant to be multi role, neither were they meant to be bombers.
The only reason they would place the F-15E after the F-111F is if they want to transform the bomber line into an “Heavy” strike fighter line, and even then we first need to define what qualifies as heavy or not. Somehow a Multi role strike aircraft should come in a dedicated A2G, “Bomber” line.

Now since the AV-8B line as always been the CAS/Strike aircraft line, for now, the Strike Eagle will most likely be placed after the Harrier II. But really for now we can’t really know, we both have different views of the so called bomber line, I agree that if it becomes the “Heavy” Multi role Strike fighter line then the F-15E should be placed there, for now tho it’s a bomber line.

Out of curiosity. If Israel was to get a version of the F-15I line, do you think it’ll be placed in the Baz or F-16D line?

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I wouldn’t expect either this year.


I think they would folder the Meshupar and put the I after the Baz but if that fails then I can see it being after the F-16D