Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Unlike Israel you are actually getting your interesting vehicles.


I really would not put the AMX10M into the interesting ones.

I can’t name any other IFV based tank destroyer which has a cannon with one of the most unique calibres that also fires ATGMs and other rocket propelled munitions, but what do I know /s

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I mean interesting gameplay wise.

It’s just a worst Amx30 ACRA, without turret, hard to use.

Would have prefered if they started showing the big Lohr family



Spikes often lose track even without smoke.

That last one woud be pretty much impossible to aim in front of the vehicle

Thailand operated RU stuff? I know some Ukrainian vehicles and maybe the Czech L-39, but no RU equipment


those look like some very annoying vehicles

“Needed” is the word you’re looking for.

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fair enough, would still like to see something as for the AH64’s as France has F&F Germany, Israel now with this new patch China kind of has it with ty90 ofc I know its not F&F but sure acts like it is

Yeah…get use to it. Most people think that Eastern Europe is just a Russia for some reason…probably a poor education.


Thailand has some Chinese stuff. He probably meant Soviet style stuff.

when did Thailand become Eastern Europe?

They use Igla MANPADs and Mi-17V-5s (probably unarmed)

their Mi17 is armed

How about you read mate? Look to what i was replaying.

I did tho

Actually it can, the turret have an angle toward the ground.

We also have this one if you are afraid of that :p


now that just looks like that Vickers thing

Way smaller.

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