Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Never. It’s my only hope for a proper Canadian line-up. As the only TT that makes sense for a Canadian ST is the UK and they already have ZA/5-lines.

So I’m fighting for the only thing possible. And will cling onto the Hopfuim for as long as possible.

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Depends on who the boat is for me.

Like I’ve seen people here claiming,

A. They don’t want new nations

B. More sub trees
B.1 Sub trees should only come in if they are unique.

C. Nations without C&P



Hopefully won’t collect dust in the files for eternity.


If people want more sub trees and uniqueness then look what happened with France and the leak Netherlands CV. People claim it make no sense as the two countries don’t make sense being together.

But if we add sub nations without C&P then good luck finding a nation that fits


Jes that been there over a year ?

Gaijin will justify any tech tree merging that will allow them to maximize the number of tanks they can reskin and add to the game. Sure there will be some unique things, but all of the really interesting stuff will be event vehicles and the normal TT vehicles will be the 37th T-72 and Sherman.

I mean that the thing don’t blame gaijin for a tank that been exported to death blame the nations that wanted it.

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They could’ve added a Belgian CV90 at least (not that I agree with its addition to begin with), because a Dutch one makes absolutely no sense

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Right but they could make the reprinted tank an event vehicle and make the interesting stuff be tech tree.

No, what I really want to say is that they’re already charging too much for this game and they need to just let us have more things in the tech tree and less events/battlepasses.

The things I see most are Sub-trees shouldn’t bring the C&P(modified thing related to another nation) and those should go to the nation said modified thing originally came over the Sub-tree.

Things like Leopreds to Germany or US aircraft to the US even if they is a sub-tree. (or they shouldn’t come like the guy about the Finnish F-18 shouldn’t be added)


Multination trees with 10+ nations just to have no C&P (examples: Commonwealth, LATAM) which just end up as bad as the endless sub-trees as they could end up with tech from everywhere.
2-to 3 nation trees are ok when they are close (and use C&P where needed) things like Benelux, ABC, Canada-ANZAC, and NDI as you could make some of these with the sub-tree system and effectually could be down with the few “rules” we do have.

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Yea true but France only has the air force that could have a sub tree/line.

And the Dutch have a metric load of things to add and some make sense to France.
I think that is why.

Yeah, i don’t hope we see the Netherlands in France. That means we won’t see their naval (including submarines), a very big portion of air and ground, no helicopters and no Dutch drones.

And if the Dutch were to be added to France, that will also mean we won’t see lots of Belgium vehicles either.


oh shit finally the harrier Gr7 is getting its MAWs


But how many event vehicles would be too much ?

yeah and its mavericks too

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I like the 3 patters tbh then we can still have around 3 to 4 trees left to add from Europe.

oh shit for real? it got its AGM65G-2s? or is it just the Gs?

Unsure yet, but most likely the HE-SAP AGM-65, BAe Harrier II (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion - #940 by Gunjob

not yet but will