Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Depends on how the monetization part of the event is priced. Right now, most events are like this:

  1. Short window of opportunity to do it.
  2. The vehicle will never come back.
  3. $25-30 to buy it now.
  4. ~$30-50 to buy it after the event.
  5. $Gorillion to buy it after a year.

And then on top of that they pump a bunch of premiums for $70-75 at the same time. Plus battlepasses. Plus Premium acct sub (admittedly the most reasonably priced part of their system). Too much FOMO and it’s like 50% of the new content you get in a year.

If all of this was cheaper to obtain I could look past it but it really is getting to be a disgusting level of paywalling where you either shell out or the tank/plane/boat goes into the forever box and you NEVER see it again.

Canada isn’t coming dawg.

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I find 3 the limit I find acceptable for a multi-nation tree. nay more and they are just trying to add as many somewhat related nations just to have no C&P.

Mostly because if you push it the sub-tree system works for it. Well, 2 is 100% ok as Gaijin could just use a sub-tree for a 2 nation combo.

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same as sub tree wont come for the big 3 because of them already having 5 lines

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I think sweden should be more a Scandinavia tree which is what they seem to be doing with it (also damn crazy when you add a sub tree that is just C&P of some of the best equipment in the game Sweden becomes pretty meta lol)

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Sweden was Meta without the Fin Subtree and wouldve been anyway.

yeah but them getting 2 more leos and one of the best anti airs in the game really helped their top tier being one of the best

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I’m sorry but what ?

Between 3.7 and 7.7 was hard I mean real hard

Nothing is saying they aren’t coming. For well we know they could come at some point this year or in 5 years.

And don’t tell me there are better nations to be added first there were better nations then Isreal and they got added.

Yeah, there are better nations to add. A lot more.
Canada is one of those nations where just because you can make a tree for it, doesn’t mean you should. And I think Gaijins bean counters know that.


in the state israel and china came in I would have taken any other nation tbh

besides maybe the benalux what other tree are far better out of curiosity

yeah, BeNeLux has unique Air, Ground, Naval (including lots of submarines), Helicopters and Drones forces.

I might hope this major update gaijin implemented AGM-65G from JAS39EBS HU C Gripen to Harrier GR.7, and on F-16CM Block 50 (USAF), AV-8B+ (Marina Militare) & F-16A Block 20 MLU (ROCAF)

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I said other lol I know the benelux could come

No interpunctions… so i thought you meant something else. xD

Don’t start him off lol

Benelux is a multi-nation tree.(beside the Benelux needs to steal some Canadian tech to have vehicles) I’d compare Canada to single-nation trees that could start at rank one.

(?)Switzerland(it’s looking like they’ll need to be a multi-nation tree)
maybe Irian and Turkey

That’s all the single nation trees I can think of that are Rank 1 possible. (Turkey is looking to need to be an Isreal style to not be C&P)


That was confirmed by Gunjob the others im not sure

I would take South Korea over Canada when it comes to a new ground nation.

Similar C&P in the lower BRs while having a much more unique top tier.

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