Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

It also comes with the bonus of because able to use up to 5 lines(and the two premium.)

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Adding “Sub-Tabs” could be quite interesting and go beyond sub-nations. I was thinking of a way aircraft that normally wouldnt be ideally suited for the air tree could be added but made optional for players grinding the main tree, such as for Strategic bombers. Could be a heli style sub tree for them too.


that would be cool, you could put COIN planes in there too.

Yeah, you could, any aircraft thats not an easy add.

Like Recon planes could be quite intersting too,

Could be like a “perk” where planes who doesnt have an use in the usual lineup for each game, choosing between recon planes, strike drones with more weapons, or perhaps armored recovery vehicle that supplies and repairs friendly in an aura? It could be explored but its way too complext to think about it.
On the topic of subtrees, I was previously thinking of a system that makes subtrees independent from their host - effectively, an ally lineup like kards does. Australia, per se, could go to both Britain and America, while BENELUX goes to both Germany or France, etc, and a country can choose up to one subtree nation that the tree has access to. Italy may get Romania+Hungary, or Brazil, or even Spain, while Sweden can choose between Denmark, Finland and Norway. This would meant more potential domestic vehicles but gaijin isnt smart enough to code all of them in i guess.

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A lot of the F-CK jets were passed to developers so wouldn’t be surprised if it’s for one of them

Definetly a lot of potneial, even crazy additions like bridge layers

Why did they name it that i always think someone is swearing


By the way. To settle the discussion of the Vitebsk on the Su-25SM3, the last pylon available on other Su-25’s, which isn’t available on the SM3 houses a special version of the Vitebsk on the SM3, video time-stamped (in Russian) available below. They also discuss other jammers for different vehicles. There’s an English subbed version I can share if people want as well. I’ll edit this post and spoil the telegram link.

It could open up flamethrower tanks that had their main cannon replaced by a flamethrower.

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The jammers on the wings tho are ECM pods, for jamming Radar, not IRCM stuff

Which isn’t in the game yet so your gonna have to wait for that

The jammers on the end of Su-27 wingtips are. The pods are part of the Vitebsk complex, per Kret and the Zvedza presenter.

I know, I was just saying they won’t jam infrared stuff

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The pods won’t. The pods seem to be the UV sensors. Which can detect IR from missiles, and laser designations from targeting systems.

Edit: Which makes me feel jipped a bit. They need to overhaul the Vitebsk system on the Ka-52 and Mi-28NM, they should be able to distinguish the threat type. I wonder if it can override Hellfire/PARS guidance, because those things can be annoying as hell if you aren’t the first to fire on an enemy helicopter.

So the pods mounted on the pylons that are normally for R-60’s are radar jamming equipment, the IR sensors are built into the body of the plane with one near the front landing gear facing forward, and two in the read bottom of the tail facing back. IR jammers were never put into the Su-25SM3, is what I’m trying to make clear

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That’s not what the video says. The pods are the UV sensors that detect the threat. The “the IR sensors are built into the body of the plane with one near the front landing gear facing forward, and two in the read bottom of the tail facing back” are IR dazzlers. They are what are used to redirect the IR missiles.

There’s footage of the SM3 in action doing exactly that in the thing we can’t talk about.

That just doesn’t make since because we can clearly see that the pods are built with no IR cameras or anything and therefore couldn’t detect them. These are clearly ECM pods and other sources have labeled them so. Also, to put the IR jamming to test, if you look at the back two sensors, you can actually see that they use the same cameras as the IR sensors on the nose of the Ka-52. The jammers on the Ka-52 are the balls on the bottom that have swivels as they are DRICM. This video must simply have a mistranslation or something, because none of that makes sense otherwise.

Also I know the video you are talking about, however, after doing some looking into, I realized that whoever titled that video was just making shit up. It’s the cockpit of a normal Su-25, not even an SM3
Just look at the pod, there is no physical way this could detect UV rays without any optics at all. Also it looks very similar to the jamming pods on the wingtips of the Su-34


It is the same jamming pod used on many Russian vehicles including the SU-34


If you’re referring to the Zakhvat-UV sensors at the bottom of the SU-25SM3 its actually apart of the MAW system meant for detecting and warning the pilot of incoming missiles. There are 2 facing backwards on the rear section of the aircraft and one on the front right side.