Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Yeah it was in Gszabi’s data mine

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the vehicles weren’t data mined they were leaked

It was on Gszabi’s github page but marked as “added leaked vehicles”. There might be a misunderstanding there.

@gszabi99_HUN does that mean:

A) “Client change showed the same as leaked vehicles so I’ll write it down as that.”

B) “I’ll manually add the leaked vehicles to this list here.”

(Regarding CV90NL)

That one is from Olivia

It’s on Gszabi’s github, just clarifying with him why in that message. Did he mine it in a client change or manually wrote it down from the leak.

Edit: oh i see he clarified. Your message was split for some reason so misse dat first.

Germany can’t get a sub tree.


France on ground neither. they have 5 lines aswell.


didn’t smin say you don’t need to have a line to have a sub tree

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I remember something to that effect yes.

i think it was in reference to the SAAF Gripen

He said this in regard to the ZA Gripen, but the thing with that is that there was already a line sub-tree in UK before the Gripen was added.

I don’t think we can confidently say a sub-tree can be added in a different form until it actually happens, which so far it hasn’t.

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Agreed. BeNeLux tree it is then.


make it just a NeLux tree to trigger some people here


NeLux tree with Be subtree.

I’m kidding mr boo, i’m kidding, Be is part of it.

Crew voices for Belgium tho…randomise French/Flemmish?

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make all belgium vehicles premium just for fun (just like vehicles from norway for sweden)

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But mah Dutch premmies then. Want a cheese line up day one they add it.

Chocolate and beer is great but cheese…way better.

hm that is a tricky one
most (~60%) of Belgium speaks Flemish but practically all of Belgian vehicles come from the French-speaking part
certainly don’t wanna hear a Dutch accent playing them tho

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oi don’t get cocky or we’ll make a chocolate TT with the Swiss


I take it back! Don’t leave us (again)

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