Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

At any time they can add a Cheetah especially since they modelling thr missile it used


But did UK need a plane that have French DNA ? x)))

If it comes it would only be in the British tree

Of course, i know UK love to steal things they have no ties nor need with x)


Stop saying steal please


Because that’s a strong steeling there.

Minor issue a Sub-tree promises a home for a nation. The ST nation should get all its tech. (Why should I fight my MBTs if I have a home? Or my Air Force?)

Not like it matters anyway as we have this:


South africa is now part of the Uk as a sub tree .
A nation with in a nation

Well that’s stupid.

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No it’s not just your over pride with French things that the issue as all SA things will be in Britain


Ok i can show you another rules : no more than 5 lines.

So no SA for UK.

You can shut up now.

Damn my months of blocking you is ended and first day you act as always, bye.

I hope we get too see more SA jets through the new events

Hello SA Gripen and the Indian Jag want to know your location

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They can still add aircraft just not in another line

Cheetah could go before the Gripen if it has R darter


Don’t mind him I’ve just pressed one of his buttons 😂

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I know how to do that


To the British tree

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SA mirage F1 and 3 please

Continuing the discussion from Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3):

These are in files but not sure to come as extras in this update, right?

From my understanding just Olivia standard leaks