Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

It’ll ruin German top tier as well. Congratulations on your 1DL epidemic and I’ll be part of it.

eh, thats another reason completly, besides that there is the backups, and you are good enough of a player to use them , not mentioning 2pl being a thing as well and vilkas, one can make an intresting line up

If sadly not purely canadian, but smin threatend that from the start

Don’t have the Vikas(event I skipped) and unlikely to get the PL anytime soon.

Yea I knew something was up when he made that. There still a tiny props 15% for a new nation but yea let’s hope it’s not Canada

Many German players agree that we have huge gaps in the air tree, which could be filled without too much effort. However, the nationalist bias always prevails over the real needs of the TT (be it with vehicles from Argentina, Switzerland, Holland or Austria). In a certain way, I agree with Fleks, that many times the same thing happens to us as it does to you now.

Maybe that’s why gaijin introduces Soviet things everywhere, it seems to generate fewer geopolitical and sociohistorical problems.


I still have hope the new nation will be Canadian so I can finally have my stuff in the same place(and no more fighting over my nation’s tech)

Because unfortunately as of right now Gaijin would give the Avrow Arrow to Russia because “Soviet spies got into the program”.


I want to return to this point.

Maybe a few negative votes on Steam will make them listen to us.

(the last one is a joke lol)


is there a reason why the sm3 has gen 1 thermals

If they give us the IL-38 this update I’m more than happy. So far not 1 vehicle I’m hyped about. Except for maybe the Wessex but that’s more like cool and not hyped if you know what I mean.

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Yeah the rank 8 thing, they could’ve nerfed it somehow and put it at rank 7 if they really wanted it. I hope it’ll get AMRAAMs 2nd patch since it’s top bracket already for sim battles. Might as well go hard.

sadly it was never integrated or tested with amraam so chances of it happening are 0

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Not knowing what you guys are exactly talking about, with Gaijin the chances are never 0 😅

IDK about that, but the current F-20 is rather undesirable, given its attributes I guess it is something between 11.3 and 7, and would be better off as a GE premium.

I just don’t get gaijin and using the F-5 airframe for premiums and events


I still don’t understand why Sweden got a 10.3 leopard as the new premium…, it’s too late, it is the first time that 2 nations almost got the same vehicle as the premium pack. which worth 70$

The fact people are calling the STRV 12~+ Leopards just shows you how uneducated people are.
But rudeness a side Sweden needs a tank MBT premium and not an Ifv/LT.

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Alternatively just make it GE. The 80UD is GE but id suggest give it a better round and increase its br.

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Yea I’ve said it, It’s like calling the S-199 still a BF-109

Its zero with a jet engine, but this time(edit: F20 compared to the F5) its energy production isnt as bad as a zero.

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