Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

What exactly? I corrected the list and you started talking about UK, that all things from the commonwealth will appear in their research branch. I wrote then that one side will cry, and only time will decide everything. And here we are

you knew nothing on the list you did it to stir drama

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No we are moaning the fact they are playing loose and thin with the whole commonwealth thing

I asked you a question then: “What exactly is the drama?” You never answered it to me)

Canada was never part of the UK, not to mention that no one made any promises about its technology

M8 do you even know anything about Canada ?


What I see here is someone acting like they are superior because Canadians asked for their stuff in the same place and it’s not happening. The best place in the game right now is the UK for Canada.


Does not matter. In principle and relation to the topic



its a completly reasonable demand from the canadians, just it doesnt fit and would ruin british top tier in the end

You mean like the Indian T-90 which is a fair worse fit?

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He means Leopard 2 (If there was one), Challenger 2/3 and T-90A in one development branch

It was obvious from the start that this Canadian Leopard was going to be the next German premium, for at least 10 different reasons. Don’t be hard on them.

I understand that personal desire leads us to think about other possibilities, don’t blame them, it happens to us too.
Perhaps, if we stop seeing what our neighbors receive, we can one day see a Super Etendard or an A-4, so necessary, in the German tree.
We argue a lot among ourselves, as if Gaijin was listening to us. Let’s leave the internal fight and demand as a community that Gaijin is coherent, predictable and transparent in the design of technological trees.

Britain could have got a squadron t80u since they dif buyed a few but well guess they prefeered a t90s.


no because that one is only 10.3, currently before challenger model rework the 2a4m can is already potentialy better armored then challenger, while being more mobile, if given access to DM53 it could even go to 11.7 it would be the worst leopard, but better then ariete and merkavas… If you now put the 2a6m can on top of it, you end up with challengers being the 3rd spawn mbt. When canada is not even an important or exclusive part to UK, those ruining the british top tier completly in my opinion

I rather that replace the T-90 as it had a funny story

The problem is that this is not the first time I’ve said this, and apparently it doesn’t change anything for them

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God that talk is still going on.

Blame Flek for a stupid meme

for once he is not at fault, theoreticaly storm started the canadian leoaprd this time