Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Any other WWII planes other than the 109C1. Still think they could add the first hungarian reggiani

Hey guess don’t worry more commonwealth vehicles are coming to Britain

So does this mean we could get Canadian vehicles then ?




thats the date of when it was datamined. so Yesterday.


i know… but look at the vehicle name and for which nation it is…

Yes i know its very stupid considering that is the best of the CV9035 as it has Iron Fist APS and Spikes.


Japan has no leaked Tank or plane, just a few boats.

inshallah they get the CF104

Is the nl and dk the same? If yes might be gajins cheap shot at squadron for both nations

what the f

Are you American?

but that’s good lmao
I like and need this XD

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yea no i was there yesterday when olivia leaked it and was like "wtf , wee dont need that in are tree , wee barelly have any connection with the netherlands , and wee already have plenty of IFV home-made "

HECK technecly wee could get the Sabiex HIFV since it was built by THE U.A.E AND BELGIUM (witch booth makes more sence as a sub tree for us) , but concidering it is inspired on a OF.40 , it would more likely finish in the italian tree

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No, NL has Spikes and iron Fist APS, while the DK are just “standard” CV9035 to my knowledge with a soft kill APS.

i thought he meant geographicly speaking

youre thinking of the 35NL MLU, that was only announced in like 2023


? Why one is the danish version and one os the dutch one doesnt mean they are hugely different, german and danish leopard 2a7v are pretty muchvthe same as well but have different designations

Well there went my idea then, no clue . Looks realy like a punch in french face then

The IFV’s in question in the game:


While i do agree with your point, it seems like this is Gaijin trying to give it for now something to France while they work on something home-made by France.
Would rather have this, to not have an IFV for another 3-6 months, fairly.

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Wouldnt surprise me if they end up giving the 35NL MLU to france or germany depending on where the base 35NL goes

the uk waiting 6 years for an IFV and only getting a comparable round to every other nation at top tier last patch

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