Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

ok cause the previous one had no nation and was said to go to different trees

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Note, that a lot of those US and UK planes are built by Canada.

Like the Hurricanes, Lancasters and even Catalina’s among 50+ others.

Canadair built most of the jets Canada used. (only a hand full they didn’t)


Why would gaijin think India is more commonwealth than fricking Canada I mean Jesus


I mean britain, sweden and italy are far away from receiving another subtree. Japan, China and France (maybe something for jet age air for germany) would still get one first.

So if new nations get added aswell then you could look at 5 years plus
India as the next subtree is much more likely aswell for the UK with the huge amount of indian vehicles they are getting lately

Yes, and I suppose they’d give out an Su-30 in the next air cycle as well.

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Next update:

Premium Leclerc, Premium ZTZ-99A, Premium Leopard CAN, Premium Su-30

C&P F-16 / F-15 / mig-29 / su-27. For the AMRAAMS.

Only one vehicle for Japan = C&P F-15 with AMRAAMS.

See that’s why I mainly care about naval. Leakers hate putting naval units on there so its like a disappointment Christmas most patches.


So I hope gaijin change name F-16C → F-16CM in dev server new version

I hope this major update R-73 return to MiG-29 (9-12A) & MiG-29 (9-13) and increase to BR 12.3 but remove R-27ER & R-27ET, omitted R-27ER1 & R-27ET1 from MiG-29G and down to 12.3

In next dev server gaijin give AIM-9P-4 on ROCAF F-5E Tiger II & F-16A Block 20 MLU ?

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Mark 1 as premium (with RL-201 through RL-205 camos) and Mark 2 in the tech tree (with RL-206 and military camos) would be ideal.

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I really tried grinding naval for germany, but the wait times and grinding 6 similar ships really made me drop it again.

Subs were really fun in the event mode half a year ago and I hope this brings me back

@gszabi99_HUN is the Ram I a premium too ?

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which is kinda stupid considering canada or australia are actual anglo nations but fair enough gaijin guess we get another sub tree that has no top tier lol

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Rank 2 makes the most sense tbh
Can go well with the Matilda and Crusaders

I was complaining about the communities double standards.

They complain about them getting TTs (all C&P to them) but when the some that argue sub-tree learn the UK would get things like Leopards they try and argue the MBTs shouldn’t be kept with the sub-tree.

I rather have an independent TT for the remaining Dommions anyways.

Whether it’s Canada and Australia/ANZACs both get a tree or it’s Canada with an Australia/ANZAC sub-tee both are what I’d like to see more.


still no IFV for the uk cus all of those warrior variants dont exist according to gaijin

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Gaijin treatment of Britain and the commonwealth is just horse poop.


Smin said premium leclerc is not possible, i propably are gettin sth 10.0 like ussr


I have no information regarding it.

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  • F-16CM – 2x AIM-9M + 4x AIM-120A – / 2024-03-01
  • F-16CM – 2x AIM-7M + 4x AIM-120A – / 2024-03-01
  • F-16CM – 6x AIM-120A – / 2024-03-01
  • F-16D – 2x AIM-9M + 4x Derby – / 2024-03-01
  • F-16D – 6x Derby – / 2024-03-01
  • F-20A – 8x 5-inch FFAR Mk. 32 ATAP – / 2024-03-01

The UK is ok(could be better) But the Dominions are some of the worst-treated nations without a home.

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