Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

I really dislike the leaks. It stretches my disappointment over days instead of getting disappointed when watching the dev-stream


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Its an unused asset, not an leaked one

no again


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I just hope that many of these vehicles including the leo2a4m dont get added at all.

Instead of wished vehicles gaijin is adding vehicles which create controversy


“we don’t want Canada it’s too copy and past” but for having those tank in the nation you like no problem…

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Imo its kinda stupid that the best of the CV9035s goes to france of all people lmao.

the uk really did need it when the tornado F3 was best plane

If the AIM-120s turn out not to be that broken I can see the F-20A getting it, it wouldn’t be rank 8 for no reason.

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Nagato as a time-locked event vehicle would be absurd and ridiculous.


I ran out of likes but I agree.

People ask for TT for the dominions- they scream C&P
So ask for a sub-tree(or have all the stuff in the same place(UK)- It’s fine until you point out that the UK would get Arbrms and Leopared and they scream they shouldn’t get it. (but the dominions shouldn’t get TTs still)

people can’t make up their minds.

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Would consist of Spitfires, Hurricanes, Mosquitos, Lancasters, Manchesters, B-17, B-24, just a lot of planes between Britain and the US.
Post WW2 is stuff like the CF-100 series, the Avro Arrow (gaijin when), and then stuff like the CF-18, I don’t know much about Canadian air.

I wonder F-16CM like F-16C Block 50 for USA tech tree or new multirole fighter aircraft from F-16C Block 50 ?

The Canadian Leo is planned to be in the German tree, as a premium, to my knowledge.

Whether you want to believe me or not is a different matter.


The F-16C currently in-game corresponds to real-life F-16CM, not a new vehicle.

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where did you get this from

I’m not at liberty to disclose it.


-You sure it’s for Germany ?

i am wearing my party head

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