Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Not really many choices for that. Maybe F-18?

I think its more likely for Britain we’ll see something like the Harrier Gr9A or Tornado Gr4 for a high tier CAS and pure A2A aircraft like FA2 and F3. Even the first few Typhoons wouldnt strictly speaking be Multirole.

I guess it will be frances top tier squadron vehicle, which doesn’t make it better that the 2 highest light tanks/ ifvs are premium and squadron


I’d love a taste of what’s being smoked at Gaijin HQ when they decided France should could a Dutch CV9035. That’s multiple layers of goofy.


Yes but not only did we get a hungarian gripen, now france gets a swedish made ifv… ( Dutch tho, hmm idk)
Can you hear it? Sweden mains r malding like hell rn. ( And noone rly cares lol)

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or they might give her away as the Naval Reward for the next event in the new Event-Cycle

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but do you know if these are leaked for the next update specifically or just a general leak of vehicles that Gaijin are working on?

Because there are quite a few of these vehicles that I am excited about.

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is the unimog swiss? I wonder why sweden gets that vehicle. they dont really need it with norway and denmark having still lots of vehicles to choose from.

The unused assets are in the files, just not in use.
The leaked assets are just that, leaked.

Disclaimer: This is not a definite list of upcoming additions!


Because when transporting the vehicle it was like a 1000km away from their border, that’s basically Swedish by birth


Why are they obsessed with adding every single variant of that vehicle

General leaks.

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so not a confirmation that they are coming or confirmation to what nation they are going to

So you all you have is the assets and the nation they go to isn’t 100%

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Gonna get every minor variant of the SARC before a single new AEC, Coventry or Humber lmao


I think gaijins reasoning is that they already have a unimog in their tree or something, but the unimog is just a platform from mercedes and has nothing to do with sweden

Eh its quite certain, it shows their plans, there is no reason the change the nation of the 2a4m can

Guess I shouldn’t spend time on the forums if I’m too tired lol.


it doesn’t show their plans
all we know is their is Leopard 2A4M CAN assert was leaked
for all we know it could be a for a new nation or sit in the files for years
we don’t know their plans


I just wish there was a shred of consistency with Commonwealth vehicles. One minute all the “copy paste” stuff will go to the original designer, the next it’s fine for Britain to get a T-90, then it’s straight back to Germany getting all the Leopards. Either let Britain have foreign stuff or don’t.


Buddy its in the german files, at this rate u realy are only clinging to the hope