Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

They props using the region as they are using the Commonwealth reason.

Only add things where it’s needed

I will say, I think advanced IR missiles might help ARH combat. If being within IR range is a death sentence, full stop, nobody will want to get close and they’ll opt to sling ARHs at range and then rearm rather then run in and die. You’d have people flying high just to spot people hiding behind terrain and as such, targets for ARHs as well.

Not saying they’re coming soon, but just my thoughts on it.

Honestly that’s my hope. I’d rather instead of a specific sub-tree, it’s just “here’s a gap, here’s a vehicle to fill it”, bam done deal. No need to throw in multiple copy paste vehicles just to have a sub-tree for the sake of it. Plus it gives variety in equipment without being locked into one nation.

What do you mean ?

No update announcement yet ?

Nope… nothing

Good as then the update will come out when it’s my day off lol

Might even be the same modelling:


@Smin1080p should we keep pressing from time to time F5 ir can we go to sleep?

Go sleep.

NEVER!! I Need my Alpha

That’s one of the ships found in the files. One in mobile has Harpoon launchers (or the Japanese equivalent), I wonder if we’ll see Takatsuki with the launchers or an older sister without them first?
Might not be a bad little ship for ~4.7 without them.

Not exactly, though the names are very similar in appearance:


The person you are quoting doesn’t have such information and bases his statement on the dev blog.

wont deny that, but saying the gripen c will be hold back exclusively for the iris t is wrong, you never know it might end up that gripen c will later on get access to iris t as well once it gets introduced for all we know, even then grippen d or e specialy with iris t /meteor isnt to far fetched either

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I could’ve sworn it was Takatsuki. Well in that case nevermind since Takanami is years away lmao

Did olivia leak anything new?

Oh yea, I wasn’t getting involved with the other stuff being discussed.

Just my thoughts on advanced IR missiles and them potentially being closer than we think.

Not since the tiran 6/shilka-m2/" extraction event " last week.

F-4Es need their actual cockpit modeled

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Teruzuki is in the files? I’d love another Akizuki. :)

On the topic of Shisaka, per a datamine today Shounan is getting her twin turret fix, which certainly makes another Hiburi being in the works that much more likely.

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