Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Tranche 1 would have the missiles you mention. It would not just be Tornado engines but also completely different flight control systems etc. Might as well stick to Tornado AVD with AIM-120 and whichever short range missile.

Do you think DASS would be gamebreaking or that it would be modelled in such a way?
We can not even track and fire at multiple targets at the same time currently.
You have to include such factors in your reasoning.

Not what I said.

2 we had the F3
3 would be much worse plane
4 why can’t it be added

We haven’t seen the new tank packages for Germany, China and France yet.

I’m sure 2A4M CAN will be the German package, but apparently all pre-orders have already been announced…
Am I missing out on some last minute “change of plans”?


would the Tornado F3 gain anything from AMRAAM and the corresponding BR increase?

5 Bruh

not really it would make it even worse


so Gripen with R-Darter is surely a better decision

It is decent actually and who knows maybe the result will be another ADV filler variant hm?

why would the F3 with AMRAAMs be decent

it would get stomped by everything at its br

Have you played the F3? they are barely competitive at 11.3 lol.

Trache 1 though could instead come at a slightly higher BR with Aim-120C5s instead of the Aim-120Bs. That alone could make a massive differences to the performance of the aircraft.

If I need to explain the difference between a Tornado ADV like the F3 and the Typhoon then I think you need to go do some research.

360 MAWS? Would that be OP? Its taken 15 months for the Gr7 to get rear aspect MAWS, very few aircraft have MAWS. Yes. I do actually think it would change the entire dynamic,

you have chosen to ignore them.

Britain and Italy now have the Gripen C as a bodge to tie us over. So the immediate need isnt there. But it does remain for Germany. F4F-ICE does not sound like it will be fun for very long. That leaves a potential gap. I do see a typhoon this year, but whether its the DA or Tranche 1, Its gunna be heavily nerfed and missing more features than can be reasonably counted, as such, id rather have the DA be nerfed through the floor and have the Tranche 1 completed sometime next year, maybe when it can come with additional features not yet in game than have a trache 1 that barely looks like a tranche 1 this year.

As I have stated previously, the primary advantage of a DA over a Tranche 1 is that it would allow it to come sooner. Could have a DA at 13.3 ish but a Tranche 1 at 13.7/14.0. That would add a meaningful stepping stone to keep us going. As our remianing additions are all sub 13.0


Got a 2:1 on it.

ok and

So do i. its not because the aircraft is good. its because your fighting people who dont know how to play at that BR 90% of the time.


It could be a GE premium.

Yes and no, F3 and FA2 would still be required. R-Darter Gripen would mean I guess 13.0/13.3. That would leave Britain with nothing between 11.7 and 13+.

The FA2 at 12.3 and F3 at 12.7 would be viable. Though some other buffs would be needed for the F3 like PHC and a finished FM

A sea harrier at 12.3 is not viable at all lol.
its a cool aircraft but by god is it (the airframe) out of its depth at anything above 9.7.

I think it would. Blue Vixen is one hell of a radar and the FA2 has other buffs like the better engine.

I think Id play it over the Gripen.

A streching of the BR ratings would help

The reluctancy of Gaijin to bump up the max BR number is baffling