Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

You go without any competitive aircraft for a year+ then we can talk about being “impatient”

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You can get F-22 as reserve but how reasonable is that?
I will give you that Gaijin is palying fast and lose with their standards for implementation but DA from the Eurofighter programme simply make little sense.

i want the DA2 as a gap between the tranche one and now
also its pretty cool

I did multiple times. What with the whataboutism?

what are you on about


you mean you have no pint

That gap simply does not exist in the way you imagine. By the time Gaijin would add Eurofighter the likelyhood of Tranche 1 being a reasonable addition is rather high.

or a DA2

I see you reverted back to toddler mode. End of blabla for me.

you just don’t want the DA2 so you would have less grinding

for all we know it could appear as a premium

That would be the only way, like you said, to bring a hodgepodge of DAs as a single aircraft for DE, GB and IT

He’s the one that reverted to toddler mode? I know your english probably isn’t good but at least think before stupid words come flying out of your mouth.


I hate that cheap reason

Did you even read what I wrote to you previously. At this point you are just making up ‘‘points’’ and put words into my mouth.

you just don’t want the Da2

your argument makes no sense

@POLYDEUCES and @Mytho-GR1 you both can clearly see that your DA2 debate doesn’t lead anywhere, so I kindly ask you to stop this, or take it to private messaging. I hope that you don’t want to get bonked by the overseers.


I am against DA or other testbeds because it would mean we receive a gimped Eurofighter likely to contest with more capable aircraft. When Eurofigher is being implemented I want it to shine and be competitive for a while.

You could create a fantasy Eurofighter call it by whichever protytpe designation you want and add it to the game but do you seriously believe that that fantasy plane would be much worse than Tranche 1?

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A Typhoon without DASS stuff (like 360 MAWS). Lower level Missiles Aim-9Li/9M and 120Bs, Tornado Engines, ECR-90 radar. Would be an ideal stepping stone before Tranche 1.


DA2 isn’t a fantasy