Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Yeah, the fine control is gunna be awesome to finess on some aircraft. Just need fuel weight added to that slider.

The Camberra B Mk 6 is not a bomber, its an experience ))
Everyone that have played Britain should try it


I really need to have a go at those in SB. Just not gotten round to it yet

I’m glad to see more unique vehicles coming to Britain this major update.

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Maneuverability would still be meh. MiG-23-98 would be fine at 12.0

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I mean, the Mig-23MLD still handles very well, and if you give it a weapons and avionics package similar to a Mig-29, it basically becomes a Mig-29 in terms of effectiveness on the battlefield. Especially given how the Mig-29 flight model is in war thunder

You know whats small?

The Folland Fo-141 Gnat with a total wingspan comparable to a singular CL-Sabre wing it was one of the smallest jet fighters.

Gaijin Gnat when?

Also does anyone have that picture of the Gnat compared to the G.91 and the F-86, i’ve been searching everywhere but the image doesn’t work on the old forum anymore


Nahh, it’s probably a Thai Squadron F-5 for Japan/ssss


Please tell me the Fox comes with a friend (Scorpion/Scimitar) :)


na could be a small warrior CTAi40


It would be the HMS Vanguard

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what ARE you thinking?

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I’d love Vanguard

In addition to our first 16" ship and a bunch of others, we also have a new fire control system UI as well as the very substantial rework to explosion fragments. Gameplay/mechanic changes additions are always the best part of patches anyway.


Yeah, though would hope for a couple of new ships at the same time. Though I am interested in those new additions

It would be really cool if we could have some foldered modifications for cluttered modification windows.
Imagine unlocking the first GBU and being able to unlock more after it through a folder for said weapon, With reductions to the cost of each one after the initial and the initial itself ofc, since there’s a max rp requirement for mods per plane and per tier. Or ya know, just give all GBUs/Mavericks when a GBU/Maverick mod is unlocked)


that UI is going to be a HUGE quality of life improvement? what part of that is small!??

Too bad the fire control UI isn’t really worth using the way it currently is.

You mean like how there’s a lack of evidence that the Super 530 can be used on the Mirage 2000-5F?

They do definitely need to make it relative to your ship, not locked to north, that’s going to kill most of its utility if not fixed.