Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Doubt, they gonna say that we still have better stat that tank with better armor, shell and spall liner, so it would be a no x)

China had BTR-3?

smin confirmed they were closely investigating the reload issue on Leclercs. But it also means that if Leclercs receive 5s reload, no other shells are expected (pretty idiot to state that a “buff” (which isn’t actually, it’s his real stats) about reload has to do smth about having the true Leclerc shell lol

It’s pretty to talk about balance but if a vehicle is just too OP, don’t add it into the game

Giving the leclerc his real shell + 5s reload won’t make him the most OP tank in the game, it will be still inferior to 2A7V and Strv122B+ imo so…


they will put a BTR-3 from Thailand

Thailand will most likely end up in Japan tho


Unless Thailand goes to Japan


yeah idk if it’s more logical to go in China or Japan, isn’t it closely to China?

Nowadays the Thai military has some Chinese equipment, but I don’t think that would make Gaijin refrain from adding them to Japan.
They were allies in WW2 after all.

Since in War Thunder, all Leclercs use the armor of the prototype of the Leclercs (not even the S1) that was send in Sweden yep, it’s gonna be sad perhaps forever.

Anyway i wonder what is the last surprise.

Do we have everything checked from the good leak list ?

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More than that and 300 years iirc

Yeah i think we should get a major dedicated for fixing stuff, finetuning of certain mechanics, updating older Planemodels/cockpitplaceholders/maps, adding a few more camonflages for planes.
I think with all this a lot of players could be happy aswell instead geting even more modern stuff that will break toptier more then it was before.
Ore focusing on more WW2 vehicles in the mid-/lowtiers.
Iam also missing the mid tier Premium event vehicles who where around 4.0-6.7 who could be actually used to effectevly grinding a Tree halfway without getting depressed in a stock top tier event vehicle with no lineup around it.

But yea Thailand is currently the only best option for Japan.

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Gaijin already told us it’s not the same staff that work on QoL/fix than the one working on adding vehicle, so one dosn’t stop the other, normally.

Considering they add sub-trees primally based on WW2 Thailand is effectively the only option.


Project Tempest my beloved

Dunno about historical link but i think Japan would be in more need of a subTT than China, since Japan didn’t have a crazy amount of homemade stuff to add, at least against the Chinese amount afaik.

They are also older in the game so they deserve some love.


china could get Pakistan, which seems to be a lot closer to china


please for the love of god dont tell me if they are adding more south african tanks that it will push domestic british IFVs even further away

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South African planes or heils would be very nice

the tornado radar isnt the same as the Su39 its a ground radar meant for mapping low level flights not finding tanks

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