Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4) States the new update is “soon”, so most likely the coming week.


I mean does it matter at this point ?

As the skins our trusted dataminer have posted a bit ago seems like we are on the road for a early next week release for the update.

As when he posts those skin it’s pretty much an end of the update thing.

Anyone got any leaklists for this update :P as we dont know whats coming yet


Some future stuff really not this update

Yes, there are plenty of places and topics to discuss things in the correct place.

Particularly not an excuse when its the same individuals that know better and don’t need encouraging to just carry on.

And no, not everything has been shown (unless I have missed it). We still have one small surprise.


You could say it will tie a knot in for a squad of people hehehe

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Please be not what im thinking

Small ?

Like small boat?

French coastal confirmed !

There is a lack of naval content this update

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Eee no. Anti-personel mines

No, it’s gonna be an aircraft look at my response lol

yes it was acknowledged like 3 months ago

There is 90% of the time always a lack of naval content x)

Yeah, but usually at least a few additions. There is what new japanese BB and Im not sure what else, not on the dev server. usually at least 3 or 4 additions

2 for France bluewater but saddly they don’t gonna add something new, or make the TT more capable (at least in high tier).


With Scharnhorst still undefeatable, not really any point adding anything top tier, better to add some decent sub 5.7 stuff

Well its worst since they add what is just more food for the actual big boy 7.0.

Almost a copy past of what we already have, except we lost AA for one more turret, so even another weakspot in the center for more heavy ammo.

it would be nice to have a wall between old dreadnought and newer WW2 BBs.

Not sure our coming 1925s ships gonna do well against all the 7.0


They just need to move Scharnhorst to 8.0 and it would be fine. A few 7.0s might end up at 7.3. But at least none of the 6.0-6.7 WW1/Inter war stuff would see it


Oh, a surprise. I can’t wait.

leclercs will receive 5s reload this update :) + BTR3 coming for China