Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

What about changing nuclear strike aircraft for ground battles?
Italy could get F-84F, F-104S, Tornado (maybe even BR.1150 once it’s added) as such aircraft instead of other AF planes.
PS Italian MQ-1 could get Italian camo also

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Well i moan about missiles not being on Par IRL abilities… even with next update changes,…

Since 2 years, the Magic-2 is constantly adding new things, but not having it’s entire model fixed,…

Is there plans to add more South African vehicles/ planes to game to fill up gaps ?

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Not planned for the current major update.

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Not within the current major, but we don’t rule out further South African vehicles in the future.



So only that tornado will get it or are there plans to give to others?

pray for it

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Speaking of memefliegers, when will Tornados get their ground radar and when will Komorans get their ground attack mode?


@Smin1080p since we have now the AGM-65D/AGM-65G in game, will the F-4F Late also get then?

Or was this everything for Germany this patch?

That’s nice, thank you Smin

will these be limited to only ground or we start seeing more SA planes and heils

The report is still open. So there is currently no outcome to speak of right now.


Thats understandable then.
How about ground radar? Happy to buy it for that. Su-39 has one so the mechanics work already in game.

I got it on my Microsoftstore wishlist…if it ever even goes on discount there :(
If theres a good reason to get it full price then I’m all ears!

This is technically true but it’s practically unusable. You’d much rather have a high magnification pod with thermals.

Actually no. I got a video on my YT channel (i’ll publish tomorrow morning) where I just delete tanks in a Su-39 without really even trying to find them. Radar does all the work and even locks the missile.

Can the German Tornado get his HOSBO glide bombs? Or do only British Tornados get prototype weapons?

Its not planned in this major update, but future considerations to new types of weaponry are always possible.


Now try not to hit friendly tanks.

It’s just too annoying to use since there’s no IFF. I just use my eyes in third person view.

Sim, so no 3rd person. I discuss friendly fire. The vid is my first run in ground battles since i am an air player and two kills, both enemies.
I’ll pm my YT handle

That thing is so P2W even a ground n00b like me can destroy stuff easily. Might as well add it to the Premium Tornado too then since it doesn’t have guided ordenance and in now way will outshine the Su-39

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What’s for South Korea, and the North one,
their military-industrial complex produces

quite many interesting and unique models.

South Korea has its own main combat tank,
missile AA, its own types of weaponry and

ammunition, so it is a country with advanced
industry and I think there is a chance it

will appear in the game in future.

As well as North Korea since it also has many
different and interesting machines, which

we can see regularly on parades in recent

Considering that with the new mechanics a
nation may be added lacking early eras it

is a convenient decision for such nations
to be added.

A chance is all I need for my next hopium dose.

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