Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)


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Yes, as I said.

yall think Gaijin will ever add an F-14 Late? Like an F-14A-135GR with the ALR-67 and GBUs.

Would be nice if they continue testing them this update in the events section.

@Smin1080p Can we have regenerative steering added to the roadmap? Seems like this feature is being straight up ignored.

Edit: So yeah, case and point. Blink twice if it’s taboo to talk about this feature.


Any updates on any new lower tier Hungarian air vehicles?

Yeah, wouldn’t the way people use them change rapidly from like a few days to a couple months, giving better data?

At least more people could test it giving more data and revealing more bugs/balance issues + they can update the testing bringing more advanced variants of missiles and/or just fixing inaccuracies.

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Take a look at tier 7 Japan.

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You’re missing the point.

That Gaijin doesn’t care.

My opinion in regards to Benelux and SK, as said most nations post ww2 are copy paste.

Once you look at top tier it gets grim. Besides Russia, China and France every nation is going to end up with an F-35 at the top. Looking at potential unique end-game top tier fighters:

TF Kaan
HAL Tejas

The last 3 don’t have clear locations in the game currently. Tejas could end up in France or the UK, however the other two are more interesting. Personally I dont play top tier and would hate more Israels over good low-tier trees like Yugoslavia, but I would also appreciate the more mixed top tier rather than pure F-35 spam.


That’s a perdy Phantom, but why are we looking at it?

This is a nuclear bomb. It wont be added to the standard weaponry of any aircraft.

These types of munitions systems are not in game yet for any Tornado or aircraft.

There is currently no evidence of their use on any Tornado for us to model them.

These are AR weapons, which we don’t have in game currently.

This is currently exclusive to the MFG.

The Italian Tornado already has this. 102 is the Italian version, 101 the German and 107 the British.

Currently not in game for any aircraft.

The Italian Tornado already has these.

A form of ECM, which we don’t have this type (mountable pods) in game currently.


4x AIM-9L for the German premium Tornado? If yes then I’ll buy it.

Fortunately F-35 isn’t as good as most of the other options you listed.

Plus I suppose we can end up with stuff like Su-75 and whatever as “true” end of line, since that kind of future stuff will probably be real by the time we end up reaching F-22 in game.

There is no current evidence German IDS Tornados could mount 4 AIM-9s.


At some time in I reckon around 3-4 years from now, we’ll get to the point of being at the very top, and the only things that will be able to continue technological progression will be prototypes and tech demonstrators, so the Su-75 and such seem likely eventually.


Especially since we’re seeing that in Ground Forces right now. Challenger 3 TD - War Thunder Wiki

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Once it flies it’ll probably be in a similar situation to the Kaan until it enters service, both being probably capable but not ready. Gaijin will have to make up alot of info for top generation fighters anyway, so no point forgetting these two. The YF-23 and X-32 can make appearances too.