Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

its more like, the enemy of my enemy is my friend situation japan will stand up for korea to avoid korea getting taken over and only when korea its being actively invaded or attacked


some lore here

I find it funny how people are so defensive when mainland china claims Taiwan as it’s own lol

It was made out of 2 politicians leaders that both didn’t wanted to give up power.

The true reality is what could have become USA with it’s own Civil war, if none had won over the other.

To add SK to Japan TT, Gaijin would have to make both SK and Japan flags visible at any time.

well over with the political talking guys lets get on track now

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It’s not lore it’s history learn some

You started it by saying Taiwan is a sub tree without knowing Taiwan history

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lore its a synonym of history im just making a joke about it, just didnt knew taiwan was the main china

…which is exactly why I am fine with it going to France

yes and im finishing it since i dont want all of this chat to get locked, i didnt want it to go out of hand

Taïwan history is a fact, but Taïwan ceased to be part of China today,… hence why China would nearly throw war over Taïwan?

I’m not,… France doesn’t need the US stuff benelux bought.
(Since only post WW2 would mean something)

Not just US tech but ok lol


Very forgettable update tbh
Nothing realy special there

man even french mains were confused on why the CV9035 NL was leaked for france, dosent really make sense since they dont have any relations instead of adding stuff like the jaguar

Especially since the VBCI platform is already in game and one can be added at the same BR.

But that the same for the Jag as it was Britain and British Jags India got and France don’t need yet another

you cant forget the update that added pretty much nothing to the game, would be funny since “remember that time gaijin added nothing remarkable for a major update weighting X ammount of gb’s”

yeah dude seriously france can get a lot of unique platforms yet they went for the nonsense of the copy and paste a CV90 instead