Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

If id have to guess, I reckon mid next week. unless they are doing an extended dev server this time round

They are probably working on those surprise chinese vehicles

Yeah but gaijin does this shit to often. 3-4 max after you announce an update. WHY Do they announce it so early if they cant do it. I want my zsu-23 m4 with missiles. Minus also fix the type 10 and tkx but meh I will settle with them releasing an update in a decent time frame from when its announced.

10 Is just unaccepetable. If you don’t have the bloody update ready within 3-4 days of making. Don’t announce it perhaps. Thats being a tease for far to long

Unlike a lot of games, they beta test updates via the dev server. In this instance, this is something that Gaijin does right. A LOT of issues get polished out before coming to the live version of the game. A large scale public beta test means that updates are LOT smoother than they would be otherwise.

Most updates are annoucned around 2 weeks before release.


I’m okay with the delay if they make the update bug free.

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Well… thats never gunna happen, but certainly signifcantly reduced

Yeah but they shouldve of done that for a week already before announcing it to everyone else. Do a week on the dev server then announce it after week. Their own website is feb 29. This 2 plus weeks of teasing people is just annoying. Oh and the offering a stock type 90 with camo netting as annoyed me to no end as a russian-japanese main. I only care about the zsu-23. I dont care about yet another t80 variant with no thermals

Tornado GR.1s were upgraded over time and fitted with Mk 103 engines. This has been answered all the way back when the Tornados were first implemented. Engine selection is down to the developers. The Mk 101 is suitable for a Tornado GR.1.

The Tornado GR.1 has some of the better equipment of the Tornado series. There is no “dislike” for Britain or any nation in game.


The dev server is public and available to anyone and everyone. They can only test vehicles that they have announced to everyone via the Teaser or dev posts. Otherwise it would defeat the point of them.

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Do they ever make any update with out bugs. So why the 2 plus weeks when you are going to release multiple patches after the update to fix it when its already been released.

Then does that mean we are getting BOL ASAP for the Tornado Gr1? Or is that another balancing decision?

Also a bloody TYPE 90 PREMUIM that has CAMO NETTING FOR 69 dollars rofl.

Hey guys want to spend 69 dollars on a stock type 90 with camop netting. At least the type 74 G has thermals

Yeah, I hope camo netting is a available for more vehicles in the future as an addon/customisation option.


This would be cool

@Smin1080p The updated community forum conflicts with the translation function of Edge browser and Google browser, causing the forum to be unable to locate and refresh/redirect properly. Do the staff have any solutions? Do community forums have plans to develop built-in translators or apps?

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I assume the balancing decision was to not make it good so it doesn’t face better planes as often as it would if it were good

Its a insult to those who play japan I think Who already have the type 10 and tkx and type 90s to offer that a our top premuim. Its meaningless to anyone who is top tier japan and a waste. And very few are going to buy it who dont grind japan.

BOL was a test only upgrade. It was not an in service upgrade. It has been submitted as a suggestion, but is not planned to come in the next major update.

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Still any news on the Chinese spall liners?

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