Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Its the same BR as both the ASSTA1 and IDS(1995) that have the Mk103 engines. Its the only Tornado IDS in game that has the Mk101 engines, even both 11.0 Tornado IDS have the Mk103 engine. Its a tiny difference in performance. Just feels like a petty “balancing decision” to nerf Britain and Britain alone in this manner. heck the the WTD61 is actually suppose to be an “early” tornado.

There are like 5 maybe t80 premuims if you include the 292 as a t80. Its like okay enough with the t80s give me maybe a black eagle tank or something. Or perhaps give another country something. I dont want any more leos and t80s

I’m unsure about that I’ll check it rq

You will get chinese spall liners the same time they decide to fix the type 10 and tkx as tanks

calm down mate

Though we got plenty of evidence for it. More evidence for this upgrade than exist for many aircraft/upgrades that are unlikely to have recieved IRL

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yea the Trials Tornado got MK103

that’s some serious history realignment you need to do to come up with a PR explanation for this

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As I mentioned, the evidence has already been submitted as a suggestion. It was not a question of evidence. As of right now, the 3 Tornado IDS / GRs are roughly equally balanced. Its possible it may be reconsidered in the future.


and all 3 are underperforming hard.

Though hoping the 1200 chaff coming in June should help. Though I do hope Gaijin at some point finishes the FM, fixes TIALD and adds the radar


The first GR.1s delivered to the RAF had Mk 101 engines, as did the first IDSs delivered to Germany and Italy. Fairly early in the production run the engines for all three nations were changed to Mk 103s.

sounds like Smin doesn’t know either

now let’s get back to the topic, is this really going to be the first time there have been no surprises coming in the dev server?

Fair enough. So it’s just the devs nerfing Britain again.

i said calm

Let me introduce you to the Challenger 2 Bug list:

The only nation not suffering at the moment is Soviets

I’m being calm

Not as much as japan type 10 has suffered. Imaged being shoved vinto close quaters maps with such a horrendous turret rotation speed.

An early J10A with PL8 and PL11 would be cool)))

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Suffering contest going on

I mean the plane is a big meh

the type 10 should be more of a match to kill a leo 2a7 or strvv the type 10 round should be one of the best in game its not.