Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

It seems with Fox 3 they want more diversity for them

it seems they don’t want AIM-120 VS R77

Yea I wouldn’t mind if they made the 21MF a premium tbf

From what I’ve seen regarding the ARH testing it seems like they’ll do what they did to the Magic 2 to the MICA as well. Introduce it in a nerfed state and then buff it once the rest of the competition is comparable.

im not seeing that from the s testing

I really dislike some of the ways they advertise this tank in the blog.

“GEN 1 thermal sights for the gunner, perfect for engaging targets at longer distances.”

Gen 1 thermals are absolutely horrible for long range combat besides quickly using them to spot people. Most of the time you just see a white dot in them, good luck finding a weakspot at long range by looking through them.

“this tank features the same 750 HP engine as a regular M60, allowing it to reach a max speed of 48 km/h, but its general maneuverability will feel more sluggish due to the increased weight. Overall the M60 120S is certainly not the fastest, but will still allow you to get to positions or get to capture points at a reasonable pace!”

Reasonable pace?? It will be one of, if not the least mobile/fast tanks at high tier by a longshot. It sets an entire new standard for what can be considered bad mobility. It’s not going anywhere at a reasonable pace.

Sorry for the little rant.

If they call that the Frankentank, i wonder how they gonna call that the day they add it xD



speaking of franken vehicles…


yup Certainly looks french

Ian from forgotten weapons was right

Spainish Frankenstein planes when ?


We have the same at home ! :p



We don’t have a US F-4F in the game, they ought to have just waited like 1 or 2 more patches and given it the AIM-9Ls it actually carried, like they did with the F-4EJ Kai and Kurnass 2000, in exchange for a BR increase…

i have the same issue when submitting Dutch or Japanese suggestions.

Then i also don’t get an explanation to why it got removed.

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or they could’ve just kept it with 9B FGW.2 and lowered it’s BR

which is how I’d like them to treat the F-104G too

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Not that thing again

If you see your pending suggestions disappear its because the suggestion was not approved for whatever reason, you have to contact a suggestion mod to figure out what was the reason.

You want an US F-4F ?

What would it bring now that you have better things and already some F-4s?

it would be really similar to the F4E and F4J so I dont know why they would want another F4 but fair enough lol

Could say the same to the Bf-109C but here we are

so question since we now know the uk will be getting pretty much anything the south african built themselves, does that mean we will get the Hind MK3?

Been telling him that for weeks, to no avail evidently xd