Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

yea I don’t think they’ll be more than .3 BRs below the capable gen 4 jets

I’m expecting 12.3-13.0

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If F-20 gets spamraams, prob goes to 12.3, yeah.

I don’t really care, at 12.0 it’s already top tier only for sim.

I got a feeling rank 9 will come with AMRAAM’s mainly because of the F-20


It makes sense for the top BR to move up to 13.0 with ARH missiles, so a 12.3 premium isn’t impossible.

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Kinda hope we get a second dev server from today until monday ngl

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Nah everything is wrapping up now so I doubt it

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you know…it completely makes sense now

current planes are getting aim120s so they can raise the top tier battle rating which is something better then adding new planes to carry the aim120 this way they can comfortably add 12.0-12.3 premiums, can these premiums carry amraams though? i don’t know and i don’t think so, by “can” i don’t mean if they’re able too but i mean would gaijin give them?

Never carried or fired them tho

Neither did the F-4F carry or fire AIM-9Js.

It did in US tho? Even its manual has AIM-9J listed.

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look at lots of tech trees, 4th gen airframes can be moved to rank 9 with the introduction of 13.7 (13.7 be cause it can fix LOTS OF COMPRESSION) and 3rd gen airframes with tech like the F4EJ kai remain in rank 8, be cause really the F20 makes no sense to be priced at 75$ mainly be cause it’s a rank 8 while rank 9 doesn’t even exist yet.

neither the gripen carried or fired aim9ms (at least the A idk about the others) and it still gott them be cause it was suitable for them. same thing can be applied on the F20 but again i didn’t say the F20 would get amraams.

Everything that could carry a AIM-9L could carry a 9M its just the 9M was never exported except a few cases, it had the Li irl as did many European aircraft.

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Hungarian one had 9Ms

I know, and the f20 can carry aim120s it just didn’t carry or use them.

It was capable of using them tho and that’s the point. F-20A wasn’t capable of launching or guiding AIM-120 at all.

like how the SAAF Gripen never used R darter but it could use them

Yeah that is just bs

it was cleared for them

First 5th generation infrared Air-to-Air Missile 😎 😉


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