Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)


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Has it been denied?

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Don’t worry about us taking the mick out of you name name as we are just having a bit of light hearted banter 👍

But the leaker said it would come under a different name possibly

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So it may still be a German premium.

no the CAN it might have different name but something basically identical

Im expecting a ge premium like the UD

Their has been a lot of ground premiums shown one more is slim

But your also misquoting him

“but one maybe removed”

So it’s not 100% going to both nation at the same time or for how long


I think we’ve seen the 5-10 more from the 20 someone for the leaks

Aren’t CBT packs for new nations like 2 vehicles each? (and even if for some reason the add one for both Air and Ground at the same time which is unlikely it’s still only about 4 more vehicles)

Well, CBTs are looking unlikely they still could happen. With missing additions still.


Yea 2 air 2 ground and like I’ve said in DM’s ground CBT’s are around these two tanks are around the same BR for CBT vehicles iirc


later comments he sounds more sure

I can talk in DMs about them

The pl-12 is a big bruh


Also, when are the spall liners coming for arietes? Ignoring the armor is still completely nonexistent.

image-21Now That’s more like it!
Looks a bit unfinished though

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Oh my God. I just realized why Mutsu is behind Kongo. They had the same dumb AI that did the earlier tech tree changes do it. Kongo is fast and has 4 turrets, Mutsu is (relatively) fast and has 4 turrets, therefore they must go together. No consideration to whether or not it makes sense, just “thing look like other thing.”


So what are the chances F-20 will get spAMRAAMs 2nd patch of the year?
Consider the following:
-They seem to be quite easy to avoid in testing.
-It’s rank 8.
-When AIM-9B’s came they also added it to premiums.
-Lowest Br AIM-9B carrier is also a premium.

Personally expecting more rank 8 premiums 2nd patch, possibly with ARH missiles too.

They did say the F-20 is the first rank 8 premium. Seems to imply there will be more soon if this one makes a lot of money (it will).

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I’m a little bit late to the party but when I first saw the Hungarian Yak-9 I thought it was an Ikarus S-49 and had a little heart attack 😩


Continuing the discussion from Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3):

I think it’s because at the time, Thailand wasn’t considered even an option for Japan and outside of controversial SK, there wasn’t really another option. In addition, this was before the GBUs from the F-16C so giving a powerful plane to Japan before US would have caused some uproars. Granted, they could have limited loadouts, or something.

This is my biggest concern with Thai sub-tree as well. Give Japan a bunch of stuff that’s mostly unnecessary or copy and paste, then forget about them again. I’d rather they get the Britain treatment with specific vehicles to fill a particular gap and that’s all.