Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

It depends, but i would probably say the first option just cause of how much they influence us now

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Although we were debating the gripen right?

this one was actually easy
i.e after the Abrams and F-35 hint

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The Gripens were fighting to be our next jet when the gov decided we needed to delay the replacement of our jets for another decade for a public competition.

And if the F-35 deal we have goes wrong we will be going with them. Plus I heard as an attempt to get us to use the Gripen they said they’d be built here in Canada for RCAF Gripens something that hasn’t happened since before the Hornet.


I hope gaijin consider this event to live server and test 2 fighter aircraft from Italian in rank 8 by AIM-120B AMRAAM

What Canadian Gripen

if that happens i would love to see the paint jobs

What do you all think the possibility of some sort of Swedish heavy tank line is, with the Swedish Tiger 2 P and KV-1C being on the leak lists, along with the EMIL technically being passed for consideration twice now, once a few years ago on the old forums, and again last month.


I mean if they push the dev server to late march maybe they can balance Fox 3s and add them to the next update since they said “currently we planned to add fox 3s next update (june)” smth like that

but last year the update came in early march but in 2022 it came in late march

I had no Idea about Romania getting F35 and Abrams

also possibly SPYDER

+K9 & K2 (supposedly)

(other non-WT hint could’ve been : impaling was once a popular sport here or a former celebrity from here had a great distaste for garlic)

I would like to see the MiG 21 Lancer in Italian TT

Vlad the Impaler didn’t necessarily dislike garlic and the impaling part is very accurate yes

we even had Mig29s but they added hungary’s

Unused assets of War Thunder (

For those who want to know about the unused assets outside of Oshida’s datamines:

Highlights from the changelog entry:

  • New unused aircraft fuel tanks:
    • USSR:
      • MiG-21 – 490 l drop tank
  • New unused aircraft missiles:
    • FRA:
      • MICA IR (model only)
  • New leaked ground vehicles:
    • USSR:
      • ZSU-23-4M2
    • ISR:
      • Tiran 6

Leaked assets are from Olivia, of course.

Disclaimer: This is not a definite list of upcoming additions!

For the complete changelog and the complete list, go to:


I’m glad that USSR, the country most lacking in SPAA, is getting supplemented by more Shilkas /s

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*meant the fictitious Dracula actually :P

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Yep. It could have happened. And is our backup if something goes wrong with the F-35s(tho it’s looking unlikely now).

Because the Grippen came second place in the competition for our Hornet replacements.

I’ve gone down a few rabbit holes for things for Canada like how they almost had a (somewhat) domestic tank project during the Cold War.

Well, it was a joint US-Canada-UK project. (one that lead to the chieftain tank) And would tell you Canada’s tank design philosophy hasn’t changed since WW2. American tanks with British guns. Or that was the case last time Canada tried a tank.