bro thats nordic
Let us guess
Tip: Latin country, will have abrams and f35 soon
I would guess…by the same year revolution…Poland…my neighbor
Jesus lol
poland is latin to you? :skull:
we are like italy, were under romans
Its Portugal then
Oh shush XD XD XD
eastern europe
has the most himars and patriot systems in europe
Yes, sir.
Didn’t know there was a latin speaking country in eastern europe
many dont know
Same, Canadian vehicles would excite me and WW2 stuff.
Tho I had a different thought about the Eurofighter/canard wing
If Avro Canada didn’t fold(and the Arrow was somewhat successful) would they make a more American-like jet or a Canard wing?
I know what you mean, nothing really piques my interest, the fox is nice, but I’d rather a Scimitar, and I’ll take another Type 90, but Imma wait for sales unless I get a bonus or something. The Challenger rework is cool in all, and the S2B got me excited at first, but with the martels being gimped it doesn’t really interest me anymore.