Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)


This is a plane game with tanks, helis and boats.

Planes are the most important vehicles.

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Now you’re using a strawman.

A what

Look at any independent nation addition and you will see it is the case.

Quit acting the smartass when clearly in the wrong.

An argument where you attack something that wasn’t mentioned in an attempt to undermine the other person. I never said it was an enforced rule, yet that is what you are attacking.

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Why is that your response?

Bro gave up

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Lazy to argue

That’s what it seems like.


I won’t change my ideas like you and the American main won’t either, useless argue

You won’t change your mind despite being proven wrong?

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Ignorance is bliss

You know how you can play air battles without tanks, but you cannot play ground battles without meeting player controlled planes?
Don’t you think it would make sense to strive for nations that compete in ground battles to have access to planes?

Hilarious to see discussion about rumors turning against a 3 v 1 because my “idea are impossible”

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Another strawman. Lovely.

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Strawgirl 🤔

God the T-80UD looks like such a stinker. I don’t know who would want that thing. Ooof.

So planes didn’t show up on a leak lists, that doesn’t rules out Canada not everything needs to show up on a leak list.

Like I said they’ll most likely use models in game and try to pass them off as the Canadian built versions(as it’s a very Gaijin move.).