Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

But yet there 3 Swedish aircraft in it In my eyes that not a pure line anymore

How does having non-Finnish aircraft in it make it not a line?

I’m saying release the captured one in the Israeli tree and release the other in either a subtree (probably USSR) or in a separate Nation (Arab coalition would work well imo).

Chile can go wherever lol, I’d think it would be better in a South American nation, but 🤷🏻‍♂️

Is anyone else confused what he is trying to say ?

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A tree is made of up of lines. These lines are thus sub trees. What is there to be confused about?

You can’t have a Yugoslavia then.

Lol. Jk.

Anything can happen if Gaijin chooses to. They said many features in the game now were once “currently not possible”. They can add a new UI to add more lines should they want to. And yes, we’ve been here before, and yes I know you think it will never happen.


I don’t think it will never happen. I know that it will never happen unless Gaijin makes drastic changes that the devs have shown to be adverse to.

They don’t need a line
End of


Then it’s not a sub tree.

it is


no a sub tree means that only that sub nations vehicles will be found in that nation not their has to be a line


Very much wrong.

im not

You are.

How come Russia got the Praga ?

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im not mate

To fill a gap. There is not a Czechoslovak sub tree.

You are, mate.

Yes. A conditional statement that is agreeable. The real difference between you and I is that I see a scenario in the some what distant future (3-5 years) where Gaijin, in wanting another cash boost forces the devs to do something they don’t want to for what’s best for the company’s bottom line.