Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

That’s Egyptian, so I doubt it’d find it’s way to the Israeli tree


I would take light tank line instead. Thanks

Ey you think ?

Chile would be better option

As there seems to be a holy war going off recently

oh boy what did they do to that poor T-34

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If I had to guess, up gun it.

Lots of weird and funky mods made by nations/troops that need things now rather than later.

Russia can’t get a sub tree.


They don’t need a free line

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Where did Gaijin say that?

Idk where was it said but the argument was that UK can get SAAF additions despite lacking air subtree line and that the same can be applied to other nations.


One or two vehicles are not a sub tree. As I have said before, when all lines make up a tree, each individual line is a sub tree.

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Forget the sub tree and lines if gaijin say X nation will be par’ed with Y then that it.

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A sub-tree gets a dedicated line when added but after that, it’s free rain(vehclies can be added anywhere). That has been the pattern I have observed.


Why should I forget the rule that was set and has been enforced by Gaijin itself?

A sub tree is a line.

A sub-tree is a nation inside another nation. The ZA Grippen is part of the ZA sub-tree.


So is Finland air line still a sub tree ?

Bro, it struggles to fly with any payload with things like the A10 and su25 especially outperforming it ( a10s mavs included) at a lower br!
The A-7E needs aim 9Ls and 4 mav F/G or a BR drop, even it’s CAS potential for mixed battles is mid af

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Just for your consideration, lol.



Kawasaki P-1 vs Douglas A-4 Skyhawk Comparison

Just saying, forget a 9.3 Igla/Stinger/Chinese Igla launcher, 23-37mm radar SPAAGs are going to chew that thing up. But I get you want to play a certain way, I respect that (and chuckle a little inside).