Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Same lol
Gonna have to pass up on the AH-1W for now though.
I should hopefully have enough to get the gunpods on the MH-60L as well

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nice. Its a beauty for sure. Cant wait to have it

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pretty mid man, am just excited for the F-20, F5E FCU, the new shilka and the battlehawk, the rest is a big Meh, i think that the majority of us was waiting for FOX-3s to come this update, but you know…

I agree partially. And I have a feeling, in next update(in mounths later), there will be French or British IFVs.

Basically how a Leclerc is the main French ground vehicle

The LAV III is same thing but for Canada

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2 camo 211 Fighter Squadron No.21112 & No.21134 for F-5E FCU

F-5E No.21112

F-5E No.21134

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Hopefully everyone missing a capable top tier LT/IFV gets one, while with the type 16 Japan isn’t that terrible in terms of LTs, the type 89 is a little long in the tooth after the atgm changes

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This does usualy show how things work with minor nations.

Gaijin has promised since December spall liners on Ariete, yet they are nowhere to be seen, while for Challenger and Leopards they got added in 10 days roughly. They do not care about Italy getting Spall Liners, though Ariete would benefit from them.

I disagree with how some things are being done, but atleast now they are improving and doing a better job.

Smh Hyrikul, I thought we where frienimes, now I see we have nothing

Distant sobbing


I was talking about families. And how they’ll be lot based on the hull.

I was trying to go for something more like the CRTV or however it’s said for the UK has a billion vehicles all made from it.

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Considering that India is just a commonwealth with Britain . And part of Canada really considered itself partly France, then within the framework of the game…

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Ahh yeah but LAV III is originally Canadian but the stiker is just a variant of it

Of which year? Sigh…

I just want two things…






If they’re not happy, a huge part of the electricity in the USA and Canada comes from the huge dams in Quebec, we’ll cut off their lights ! :p

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Where is my Cobra Chicken? I’m going Frenchy hunting.


Next update. But not likely top ones like jaguar.
Just a feeling.

Nooo, my best Frienemie ! :<

Where are you from ?


To be fair, if France gets a swiss subtree, this could work? Kinda, the Lav is bassed on the swiss piranha…

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Perfide Albion !

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