Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Japan’s top tier will have type 10, tkx, tkx-p, and BM-Oplot, four powerful mbts are more than enough in my opinion.

Is that a dev or just another player? Just so I’m aware.

That’s great if you only play top tier, and if you only care about playing MBT’s, but most nations still have more variety than that, and there are a lot of battle ratings that Japan just doesn’t have good lineups for, especially when compaired to other nations.

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He’s either a mod or a dev, you can tell by the shield next to the name


RU forum Moderator


A better version with comparative translation.


Southeast Asian countries are all victims, except Thailand. Did Gaijin hurt the feelings of the Southeast Asian people by doing this?

I have same question, but It should be answered by a Southeast Asian, as I know little about Southeast Asian people’s idea.

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I’m just happy Japan is getting a subtree


I dont think they still have such mindset towards japan. Japan is a major development partner for most SEA countries.


For the past 3 patches the internal patch date in the game files has been consistent so lets just hope its the same for this as today is the release for Alpha Strike!

No they didn’t?
they pushed it back to a future update but didn’t say when.
AGAIN: confirm your “Facts” before posting them just from memory.

examples of you stating you only say facts

The number of times you get angry with people that are opposing you “for only stating facts” is staggering. that combined with you frequently being objectively wrong is frankly instigating discourse.

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China - Iran, Pakistan, North Korea.


What you said is correct however what Miraz05 is also correct. I would also like to add that A: Japan did supply weapons to SEA even after WWII (e.g: Flecther-Toyo FD-25), B: SEA nations though largely did not forgive Japan for what they did to them they also acknowledge that it happened to the past and moved on instead of being overly fixated on the past and holding a grudge (Sins of the Father). This is especially considering that having an extreme grudge mixed with Ultranationalism can be a especially toxic, self destructive combo which some SEA had experienced in the past cough Kampuchea cough and C: Japan is far from the only nation to do horrible things to SEA. I can make an list of which nation did a horrible thing/s to SEA and by who but i’m not going to since we would be here all day


North Korea maybe, Pakistan not so related, besides use many Chinese export vehicles. Iran has little relationship with China, bought some weapons decades ago, and get some tech equipment for their own weapon these years.

A lot of export chinese vehicles were developed jointly by Pakistan and China.


Also China has a lot of Geopolitical ties towards Pakistan


I think something like a Turkey+Iran+Central asian country TT could work.

Yes, but this is tech issue. Becomes a sub tree needs something more, like historical and geopolitics.

Neither North korea or Pakistan will become China’s sole sub tree. China will most likely get vehicles from all of these nations.

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