If the APQ-120 was reworked Meaning it had its actual ranges corrected and the ground cludder was reduced, and Gaijin added Aim-7Fs and Pave Spike/ LGBs to it, I would 100% agree with it going to 11.3.
Yeah we really need some A2G upgrades for the Phantoms. FGR2 could get AGM-12s. Not the best but better than nothing
yeah for sure. Like I know the Brit phantoms are in a pretty tough spot rn but at least they get a PD radar.
They are okay, but probably not 11.3 worthy anymore
the F-4S is def 11.7 Worthy, but then it will face 12.7 and Everyone will cry and compain to gaijin
Mig23MLD as well.
especially if Gaijin gives it R-73s
I think the late upgrade proposal for the Mig-23 should be its own separate plane tbh. R-73’s would make the 23 incredibly strong
Well would you look at that
Placeholder i guess
No surprise at all
Good thing GR.7 has BOL countermeasures
Good thing they weren’t nerfed for 0 reason… oh wait…
Oh… Riiiiight…
Must be a coincidence
Yeah… MAWS is gunna be great for alerting the pilot to a launch, but BOL probably wont be able to defeat it. Had no luck defending against a front aspect shot from a R-24T the other day in the F3 spamming flares, but 9L went for his single flare instantly
Continuing the discussion from Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3):
Honestly there is so much that could be done. I reside in SEA now, travel to Japan often.
-Singapore. Singapore would be more likely to be a British sub tree, however it could introduce some fun things to Japan (F-5, Hawker Hunter, etc). The things it would give Britain could be gotten by other nations so…
-Thailand. Historical ally, can also bring some fun planes. Have the most updated F-5s in the world, recently went there and it’s an absolutely beautiful country!
-Korea. Very contentious to say the least but I don’t see them getting an independent tree. It’s either with Japan or with the USA and I think with Japan would be somewhat symbiotic. Also a lot of good stuff here.
F-16AJ is perhaps the most disappointing plane I’ve seen in game. Not because it’s bad but because I’m drawn to this game, I gun for the higher tier planes, because I’m a history and a plane nerd. Ahistorical things are just…
Like if Thailand got an F-20 at least it’d make sense. But there were so many other options besides the F-16AJ.
(Sorry was trying to reply on the last thread, didn’t realize it was closed).
From what I remember, Pave Spike and LGBs is still under consideration, but has been delayed to try and figure out some issues they were having with the F-4E. I think main one was sheer number of mods already present
I could see Gaijin later going back and taking some of the mods from the current F-4E (late stuff, like maybe GBU-15 or whatever) and slapping those, as well as Pave Spike/LGBs, AIM-9P-4/AIM-9L, AIM-7F/M, etc onto a “late” F-4E, while foldering the original F-4E with the F-4C.
Both of these were tested or integrated on the JAS 39 platform.
Sadly there is no such evidence for the AGM-65 on Tornado currently. So this is a pretty meaningless comparison and once again going into the off topic realm. There are plenty of topics to discuss Tornado and its weaponry. If you have new information to submit on them, then please do so there.
Your post was linked because it was in response to another topic entirely being discussed here. It is however not a bug report link which is what it was claimed to be and why it was linked in the first place.
If you wish to submit a bug report with any evidence you may have for consideration, then please do here and we can forward it for developer consideration: Community Bug Reporting System
Other than that, this was an already concluded discussion. It can be taken to a more appropriate topic rather than necro’ing an already resolved matter thats off topic and nothing to do with the next major.
Just today? )))
Hmm, i guess i have to post a certain *** plane to check all boxes