Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

will these be limited to only ground or we start seeing more SA planes and heils

The report is still open. So there is currently no outcome to speak of right now.


Thats understandable then.
How about ground radar? Happy to buy it for that. Su-39 has one so the mechanics work already in game.

I got it on my Microsoftstore wishlist…if it ever even goes on discount there :(
If theres a good reason to get it full price then I’m all ears!

This is technically true but it’s practically unusable. You’d much rather have a high magnification pod with thermals.

Actually no. I got a video on my YT channel (i’ll publish tomorrow morning) where I just delete tanks in a Su-39 without really even trying to find them. Radar does all the work and even locks the missile.

Can the German Tornado get his HOSBO glide bombs? Or do only British Tornados get prototype weapons?

Its not planned in this major update, but future considerations to new types of weaponry are always possible.


Now try not to hit friendly tanks.

It’s just too annoying to use since there’s no IFF. I just use my eyes in third person view.

Sim, so no 3rd person. I discuss friendly fire. The vid is my first run in ground battles since i am an air player and two kills, both enemies.
I’ll pm my YT handle

That thing is so P2W even a ground n00b like me can destroy stuff easily. Might as well add it to the Premium Tornado too then since it doesn’t have guided ordenance and in now way will outshine the Su-39

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What’s for South Korea, and the North one,
their military-industrial complex produces

quite many interesting and unique models.

South Korea has its own main combat tank,
missile AA, its own types of weaponry and

ammunition, so it is a country with advanced
industry and I think there is a chance it

will appear in the game in future.

As well as North Korea since it also has many
different and interesting machines, which

we can see regularly on parades in recent

Considering that with the new mechanics a
nation may be added lacking early eras it

is a convenient decision for such nations
to be added.

A chance is all I need for my next hopium dose.

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I think what the community is trying to tell you. Is after over a year, we’d like the Tornados maybe finished at some point and it’s about time that it gets done. Maybe time for a Dev-blog + overhaul for the aircraft. The number of unfinished elements of the Tornados is a travesty and I don’t understand why it’s been left neglected for so long


im sick and tired of developers releasing material and calling it ‘beta testing’ and simply moving onto other stuff.
finish the job you started or simply say the truth that you gave up.
because if there is one thing i know… is that if a company or an organisation or people become complacent… they get replaced


Yeah, I don’t mind new stuff needing an update or 2 to be finished. But there is so much unfinished content at the moment it’s kinda insane. They almost need to an update where they add no new vehicles and instead just finish old stuff plus maybe a few new mechanics like better ground radar for aircraft for example

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Do we have any ECM? That’s news to me. Unless the IR Jammer on the Su-39 and 25T count as ECM, then I understand why. But there are not any other ECM Systems ingame, is that correct?

Wasn’t the AGM-65 marketed on the Tornado for customers? Is that not valid as evidence?

The tornados we have used Sky Shadow ECM pods in place of one of their Boz pods which are only anti-radar. There was some data mined stuff for them that might indicate ECM being worked on.

I’m hoping after ARH gets added that will be the next radar based mechanic. Though hopefully in June we’ll get our missing 1200 chaff

As for AGM-65, I think it was considered but not tested or something, was a conversation about it on the old forums, but it’s finding the evidence which is tricky. I am surprised they didn’t add PGM or PGM equivalents to both Italy and Germany at the same time as Britain, it was a rare example of us getting buffed and not nerfed



That might do it

Probably not enough imo, would need a further document stating they were in fact used and not just marketed.

Sorry, should have specified. Any ECM ingame. I know the Tornados used different ECM systems IRL, replacing one of the Boz-Pods.

I believe there was some testing done. But I am not sure. I just remember said discussion too. Are there any marketed features on other vehicles too? If not… well, that’s a certain no for this mechanic then, if it is just marketing instead of testing. WARNO has the Tornado with AGM-65s, but they might just have taken the liberty and concluded that the cold to hot war scenario would see Tornados fly with Mavericks, which is likely if this was on the drawing board or even tested. The only thing I know is that AGM-88s are rail launched like the AGM-65s. But I don’t know if it is the same or a different rail.

Is thar a indian tornado