Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

image-21Now That’s more like it!
Looks a bit unfinished though

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Oh my God. I just realized why Mutsu is behind Kongo. They had the same dumb AI that did the earlier tech tree changes do it. Kongo is fast and has 4 turrets, Mutsu is (relatively) fast and has 4 turrets, therefore they must go together. No consideration to whether or not it makes sense, just “thing look like other thing.”


So what are the chances F-20 will get spAMRAAMs 2nd patch of the year?
Consider the following:
-They seem to be quite easy to avoid in testing.
-It’s rank 8.
-When AIM-9B’s came they also added it to premiums.
-Lowest Br AIM-9B carrier is also a premium.

Personally expecting more rank 8 premiums 2nd patch, possibly with ARH missiles too.

They did say the F-20 is the first rank 8 premium. Seems to imply there will be more soon if this one makes a lot of money (it will).

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I’m a little bit late to the party but when I first saw the Hungarian Yak-9 I thought it was an Ikarus S-49 and had a little heart attack 😩


Continuing the discussion from Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3):

I think it’s because at the time, Thailand wasn’t considered even an option for Japan and outside of controversial SK, there wasn’t really another option. In addition, this was before the GBUs from the F-16C so giving a powerful plane to Japan before US would have caused some uproars. Granted, they could have limited loadouts, or something.

This is my biggest concern with Thai sub-tree as well. Give Japan a bunch of stuff that’s mostly unnecessary or copy and paste, then forget about them again. I’d rather they get the Britain treatment with specific vehicles to fill a particular gap and that’s all.

Yeah, I’m expecting at least 1 more next patch because:
-People will complain it’s unfair only US gets it. (lol, rUsSiAn BiAs where?)
-It’s possible they’ll pull an AIM-9B with the new FOX-3’s and give each nation a FOX-3 premium at some point.

Which makes me wonder, assuming that is correct (not saying it is, just speculating from that standpoint for fun), what would other nations get if the rule is:
-FOX-3 capable
-Rank 8
-Not a “main” jet like F-15/16 because they want fans of those to grind them out.

China a modern J-8
Germany an F-4
France another M-F1 (could carry MICA’s I think)
What are some other ones?

MiG-25 for USSR/JP :^)
They could continue being funny and give Britain a harrier. Italy too, I guess


For JP, LOL, yeah because he flew there. I’d love that.

MiG-25 has something more similar to AIM-54’s so Russian mains might want a more manoeuvrable premium ARH. Perhaps Su-39 gets them and is moved up one rank.

I thought they were throwing Yugoslav vehicles at Italy now, also, and had a mini panic attack.


Pylons for the R-77 and R-27 are already in the game files for the SU-39


Oh wow, yeah I could see them raise the Br and rank if they’d give it R-77 and at that new rank adding R-27’s wouldn’t hurt either.

I wouldn’t say super low. We already see MANPADS around that br, especially between stuff like the Chaparral, Santal, Ocelot, Sidam Mistral, Gepard 1A2, and PGZ-04. This isn’t anything new, and unlike the Strella, isn’t overwhelmingly OP when we look at the firepower. 4 Iglas ain’t bad busy also isn’t anything new nore OP, and are still at 10g overload, with a caged seeker, while other MANPADS are already superior in a few ways like the Stinger or Mistral.

“Super Low” seems very dramatic here

It’s just a weird addition in my eyes. It should definitely be fine at 10.3, but I didn’t really feel like the USSR needed another MBT premium at that BR, and was rather hoping for a premium Tank at 11.3 instead. I guess the wallet warriors now get 2 tanks tho lol

Apperently if you move it out of the inner square, it cancels the lock, which is nice cus in the past I’ve noticed that the feature could be finiky and frustrating

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So what’s up with the mega shilka, and why is it not in a folder with the current shilka? seems like a perfect spot for a folder

I only ever remember seeing pylons for the R-27, never heard about the R-77. I know it’s possible IRL but I don’t think the devs have made progress towards it yet for the 39

Well ones 8.0 and the others 9.3, so I think they are to different br wise to folder. Plus even the gepard 1A2 isn’t either

I could be wrong but I am sure there are pylons for the R-27 in-game but not so sure about the R-77s, in real life the SU-39 should be capable of carrying 4x R-73s, 2x R-77s and 2x R-27s at the same time which would be interesting to see in-game if it ever comes (this is excluding the Kh-29TE and Vikhrs pylons).

(All R-27 variants & specifically the RVV-AE export variant of the R-77)



I’m know the R-27 pylons were datamined, but I just never remember hearing about the R-77 pylons being found for the Su-39. It’s still unclear if they have future plans for it