Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

ok so…
you now have 60CMs, more Rockets, BR got lowered and the gun pod is now actually removable




the BR in the Mod window is for Arcade I think, the Tree icon is set to Realistic


I’d prefer it to be 8.7 and not have CMs tbh

it is 8.7 tho

I’m really not fond of this Eurasian Union.

We already have the EU for a good part of that.

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Ah, aight, wacky AAB BRs got me there

British tree when ?


What about the E ?
Same with DEFA?

Bruh, get that out of my sights. Where the heck is the Cheetah?

Good because I don’t think any European nation likes being part of that “Eurasian Union”

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South African modded Mirage F1 lul

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E got additional DEFAs and 8.7 too, no CMs tho




Hell nah man, its either the Cheetah or no more SA planes at all

No CMs and no missiles.

Really strange choices…

Funnily enough, loads of european countries already don’t like being part of the european union


Part 6

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I was about to say the UK wasn’t part of that union until I was like wait is that a ZA plane?

Britain be like

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yea but for now at least they’re not Identical and the French one is better for Air with the extra DEFAs

all around im very pleased with them in their current state

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The 700€+ tank almost nobody have, sad.

Not having flares at 8.7 isn’t that big of a deal anyways, so both of them should be fine.
A bit of fantasy magic to increase their ammo count would be welcome tho lol