Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

The 700€+ tank almost nobody have, sad.

Not having flares at 8.7 isn’t that big of a deal anyways, so both of them should be fine.
A bit of fantasy magic to increase their ammo count would be welcome tho lol

Must be 10 times worse to be in one led by the soviets if they already don’t like the real one.

So what are you getting at? That Bulgaria should have 4 vehicles total in a tree because adding them to a larger, affiliated tree, would remove their identity?

And UK industry for what? We have like two or three different Cromwells and Comets and Shermans of every nation almost, whether UK or US produced it, almost everyone has something. What do you want a Belizean universal carrier?

And unique prototypes? So we all complain when one-off or limited production prototypes are added, and now you want a tree full of them?

I’m seriously trying to understand what you are saying, but I haven’t seen a single tank or plane mentioned, let alone an argument for why it should be separate to its own tree.

I don’t think you understood what I meant. I wasn’t saying give us a coalition tree so that no one has an identity. I was saying give us a coalition tree with different nations for a subtree and a shared SPAA line with the best of the best so that if you want to play all Korean, Pakistani, Yugoslavian, or whatever other nation in the game, you aren’t stuck with a lineup of 2 tanks for entire gaps in BR. Maybe you take the Korean IFV and SPG, and pair it with the Turkish medium tank and the Yugoslavian light tank, and maybe it’s all protected by an Indian or Pakistani AA tank, because that gives you a balanced lineup at a certain BR.

The whole point of a coalition tree is to bypass the many geopolitical and nationalistic roadblocks that makes the fusion of two lines impossible (like Japan and South Korea which would pair very well in game), throw everyone loosely affiliated with one side or the other into a coalition tree and then everyone is just a little disappointed instead of very mad.


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Strange things is none of them have missiles, perhaps an hard balance choice.

I’m just laughing when the Su-7 is literally fricken 9.3 with neither, and one of which without CCIP for bombs and people are moaning about the Alpha jet. LOL

Stop calling people moaning when they just talk about something.

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Stop moaning about other people moaning.


yea 150rds is a little mediocre but still usable

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Whos moaning about it and why?

is moaning seen as sth bad?

Ah yes, the analogous Su-7 and Alpha Jet


I say it in love. I’m just surprised people are so vocal about the alpha jet, but USSR doesn’t even get viable CAS until 10.0, and even then it’s really a crapshoot until the SM3, which just might disappoint anyways.

The next time Gaijin announces a rebalance, I’m going to push hard for the Su-7’s BR to go down, based on the Alpha’s capabilities at 9.0 or wherever it lands, it will probably happen.

I know, Su-7 is nowhere close and shouldn’t be .3 BR higher, but hey! It’s that or the IL-28 lmao.

Thailand would have some ex IJN vehicles, US Cold War era vehicles, and then later on, an mix-and-match of Western and Eastern vehicles, US, Ukrainian, and Chinese. It would add a ton of variety overall to the Japanese tree which is mostly indigenous with some local manufactured copies of Western vehicles.

First, does it make sense to add a subtree to Japan to add… Japanese vehicles?

Does it make sense to add a subtree to add Chinese vehicles, when there’s a Chinese tech tree?

Might Ukrainian vehicles be better off in their own tech tree or as a subtree for an eventual Poland tree?

For me, I don’t see what that really adds for Japan. In terms of ground vehicles, they’ve still got domestic machines that aren’t represented yet. In terms of air vehicles, they already have access to Western vehicles. I just don’t see what this adds other than “more.”

Which I guess is a good question about sub-trees or nations in War Thunder all together-- other than to give Gaijin a steady stream of content, why add them? I assume the answer is to bring something new to the table. For South Africa, I think this worked really well. It was a lot of unique vehicles that were different from what was available elsewhere and it brought a new playstyle into the UK tree. That’s a pretty good reason for inclusion. Hungary and Finland are a mixed bag because they’re mostly not unique vehicles, but instead existing vehicles being added into a new tech tree (with a few unique exceptions, BT-42 my beloved).

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tbh they’re not that far off

while the su is much faster it carries just as many 250kg bombs or fewer Rockets

similar amount of ammo too but the su got it spread on 2 guns

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I can almost guarantee you that the Su-7s BRs won’t go down based on the fact that they are supersonic

This one to UK, Kfir C.10 to Israel. I want them so bad…

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