Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 4)

Well to be fair it is… unique

my face when he asks for unique variants

I mean yeah, it’s unique, yeah, brings something new, but again it’s just a Patton.

Well technically the Type 96 is just a T72 :p


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i guess we should just delete everything that is just a “centurion” or just a “patton” or just a “leopard”

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The concept is the same, but it’s not the same vehicle, it’s a home grown vehicle.

T-54, no?

Of course not, but forcefully making up a tree just with Pattons and Centurions and a couple original vehicles at the end is not alright.

that is gaijins fault tbf people have been asking for domestic shit like the Namar with a 30mm as an IFV


Israel has way more unique and modified stuff than just that, like the Sabrah (not Sabra), AMX-13 60mm HVG, Eitan, Namer, Pereh, and a bunch of other things.


Guys I think this argument is getting a lil outta the realm of importance…

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Well what doesn’t help is that Israel was long missing it’s TD line, which it is due to receive this update.
Unfortunately it’ll mostly be filled with copy paste as of now, but it will likely grow into something more fun and positive for the tree as a whole.
If Israel were to receive rank I-III for ground it would also allow for a more unique and marketable tree, but alas.

And I do agree those would be fantastic additions and would change my view of Israel, but the way they added it to the game, the state it’s currently in… they could’ve just not have added it.

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BTW, any news on 2nd dev server being possibility in future?


Doubt it theres only a timeframe of 7 working days or less left before christmas break for devs

no idea i god damn hope so otherwise the things that werent on it like the JAS39C coming bugged as shit to the live server

Still wish the JAS39 A could get its proper thrust back

The Leopard 2A7V better not come scuffed as all hell.

i mean at least that was on the dev server so it could be tested