i’d be in favor of an indonesian subtree but the congo can only be 1 or 2 premiums at most (and idek what suriname has)
countermeasures yeah
They do look very similar to the ones on super etendard
god I hope so I just want confirmation that its actually real and not going to get pushed back till next update
they better not, but seeing as it was not on the files before the dev closed… it makes me wonder wtf is going on
tell me if this is true or just a translation bug on the new m1a1.
TDA rockets are these rockets for reference
Uploading: Capture d’écran 2023-12-12 232327.png…
[Uploading: RIGL-TDA.jpg…()
ok I can’t send the images
Theres 3BM59 which should have angled pen of 370mm at 60° up close.
Practically all strictly main nations players right here.
We still dont know if we getting the FV107 do we?
Where AMX? I need AMX
There’s no indication. It may come, however it may also not be ready in time.
In the update.
Its in the files but is still WIP.
TDA rockets on m1a1 ???
Tell me if this is an error
i mainly play the uk and all I want is to have a some what competitive plane for top tier lol i dont care if it isnt the best I just want something that isnt food for the top dogs
Leaks: no
Datamines: yes
I dont its coming sadly
Id expect not unless a Devblog appears (this is the part where smin says something vague but gives us hope when he knows better)
Fletchette rounds :trolloge:
Deals no actual damage but frys your enemys GPU
I really cant care unless they fix nato tanks.
Hope next time we won’t have a6e swip in the leak list…