Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 4)

I doubt Congolese players would ever accept such results.


god I hope we see the SA JAS39C before the live update since uh yeah seeing as how fucked the A is i can only pray the C is in a better spot

C is 100kg heavier

It can’t of been that weight

So we wont see planes crashing in the hanger now? Lmaoooooo


I guess they accidentally slipped another 0 in the stats.

Canada, the UK and the Dutch were the only nations to use Ram II.

That and Canada and the Netherlands have had a close friendship form back to WW2 due to Canada having a large part in liberating them from the Axis.

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honest to god i dont even know because it had cracked flight performance but is somehow 140 tons heavier than its IRL heaviest combat load iirc

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the F-15 has better flight performance than the Su-27 on the dev server

sorry in gaijins mind that is 10 tons heavier smh

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Britain cough :)

And the Portuguese somehow got grizzlies btw.

I’m well aware. I wanted to repay are close friendship with the Dutch.

the shadows dont match up, the anatomy doesnt work etc.

It’s DMM exclusive. Quite old by now

Unlike AUS, CAN or ZA the Congolese and Indonesians didn’t have a longer standing military cooperation with their former owner.


what does that mean?
im not familiar with that term.


it’s the Japanese company handling WT over there. they do exclusive skins and decals etc

Japanese Steam-like app/company/whatever basically