guess what i support the italians getting the Hungarian 2a7HU and im pretty sure the french just had a new leclerc package enter service or at least production so im not sure what its like as im not super versed in french tanks
but it should only be worse on speed not amour
It would be something between a R-73 and a 9M I suppose. Pulls more than a 9M and has better IRCCM compared to the archer. But Pythons suffered the issue of shorter ranges once again.
we need spall liners on all tanks if the t90m gets it, don’t you agree on that? (this is kinda random but im just asking ppl for their opinion on this issue
9M and aam3 dont even differ than much from eachother if it comes to turning, just gets a bit more range from what ive seen. sure its unfinished rn but i doubt theyre going to suddenly make the aam3 turn twice as hard as it did on the dev.
also, r73 got new irccm? when?
anyways the python 4 would be extremely cracked, not even close to the AAM-3, 9M or R-73
Forgive me if im wrong, but that looks awfully like a mockup, also the AIM-9P looks similar just pure white so could be a painted 9P
I 100% agree with you on this.
In all fairness, I would rather play a fixed Ariete. That is more Italian even though it is still worse.
But i would like to have a leopard 2A7HU in my lineup so I can show it off to every German teammates.
i don’t remember the name. i dont main the ussr. the r73er or something. have you fought against it?
its pretty hard, its outclasses the aim9m by far imo.
aam3 irccm is the samer as 9m right now
→ turning seeker off when seeing a flare
→ r73 irrcm is shrinking it seeker FOV down so it cant see flares
wich, in the most cases is more reliable
i dont think spall liners should be a thing on any tank to be very honest with you. warthunder is already inconsistent enough as is
its the problem of gaijin already confiemd that only the Leo2s t90m and strv122s will be getting a spall liner this patch the rest will come in weekly updates (there was also the stryker and the M3A3 bradly)
the Russian are not getting any new missile this update
While we’d appreciate the XLR since it’s equivalent to the 2A7V, we’d prefer the Leclerc itself get fixed first. Or at least I would. :P
i meant the new irccm missile, the newer r73er i find it to be harder to flare and pull more g’s than the aim9m. then add the fact the f15 doesnt get hmd and the su27 does.
there is no such thing as an R-73ER even irl :p
I havent used R-73s but I have played the 9M and magic 2. The 9M works better in sideways enemies and the magic 2 goes better in a chase. I am quite interested about how the R-73E works though, cause sometimes I can easily flare them but sometimes I have to do a lot of shit to survive.
We have 5 preprod Leclerc (Leclerc Ares (could be a cool prem), Bayard, Carnot, Duroc, Estienne) that could come for making what France is the only one lacking, a lineup around 10.3/11.3.
And more special subvariant that don’t bring anything in the game but could bring more vehicle if needed (Like Leclerc S1+)
And we also have more advanced Leclercs available (XLR, EAU(could be a cool squadron), T4…)
Without talking about the shiton of light support that could come.
We really are not in a bad position for the future :)
its a fantasy germany was already confirmed not to be getting a new fighter this patch as they got the mig29G last patch