I know that Gaijin got it wrong; I’m asking what made Gaijin confuse the two.
You don’t think a maverick mounted prop is something too cursed for a game like warthunder? There are no insurgents, they do better in arma I guess. But would be cool too.
And AIM-9Ls. It’s as fast as the A-10, so it wouldn’t be as hard to balance as some like to believe.
It can also use Python 4s.
That surprises me but also didn’t simutaneously. Well the problem then becomes it is hard to lock with IR missiles and it can flare them as well. It also got paveways.
Drop it at 10.0 or 10.3 and it’ll be fine. The first tier 7 prop.
Also, not the manual of VT-4A1, only the downgraded Thai version of VT-4
Sounds not too shabby.
I would not be surprised if it’s added to Britain due to the Short Tucano.
Just implying that it is not necessarily worse than the others technology wise just because long range has been given priority during design.
There are some IR missiles with longer range than ASRAAM but they are from a different category.
ASRAAM was designed to repalce AIM-9 and close the gap between AMRAAM and AIM-9.
What range exactly is supposed to be within visual range? But that is not really related to the topic at hand.
Britain is never short on CAS but I suppose anything is welcomed.
Britain is actually in one of the best positions for CAS. Italy, on the other hand, only gets good at 11.3 with the Tornado IDS.
Britain was arguably even better than Russia at the US during the age of GR.7+AH Mk.1 combo. Now it lacks a fighter iconed CAS and thats what the SAAF gripen is all about.
Spain had tanks, ships and aircraft, and there were many home-grown vehicles. Personally I’d let Sweden pass, but Israel? Everything’s copy paste until you arrive to Merkavas, it’s a waste!
AIM-9X is literally the worst western short range IR missile. IRIS-T is much better but Python 5 is miles ahead. ASRAAM is somewhere between Python 4 and 5 but also offers better range than these 2.
Those are also plenty of variations from current exports.
Sa’ar is a modified Super Mystere B.2, for exemple.
Most tanks they have are also modified to some extent.
So if you throw up for Israel, you be able to throw up for Spain as well,… but well,… seems like the taste is far more 100% olive oiled, so it taste better.
as you said “pure” and “unique” on israel doesn’t exist, according to your own wording, and nobody throws up for israel, i myself have grinded it and play it regularly, but saying spain has no vehicles built on its own or that it doesnt qualify for being its own tech tree is just wrong
AIM-9X Block II certainly is decent and will outperform ASRAAM on short range. There is nothing I know of that suggests Python 5 would be simply superior to IRIS-T.
I don’t know about Python 4 being superior to ASRAAM either. It was desigend as response to R-73 but I’m soemwhat certainh that it’s seeker is inferiro to the one on ASRAAM.
Sure at close range Python 4 will easily be superior by it’s flight performance especially of boresight alone but that si nbot what ASRAAM was designed for.
Source is it being a non-TVC missile just like P4 while having more advanced seeker and range than it. P5 has both TVC and canards but also lacks range compared to ASRAAM because if its higher drag.
ASRAAM was upgraded overtime just like 9X.
I didn’t say P4 was better than ASRAAM. I only stated that ASRAAM is somewhere between P4 and P5 performance.