Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 4)

In fact I used the background, my guess is that they will use the bckg to differentiate between the player ship and target ship. Looking into code it seem that the text displayed will be - target speed, heading and then the shot results + N as north indicator in compass.

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You’re informed by this I assume ? War-Thunder-Datamine/gui.vromfs.bin_u/reactivegui/fcscomponent.nut at master · gszabi99/War-Thunder-Datamine · GitHub

All your assumptions seems to be supported by the the contents of this. It’ll be exciting to see it in action, hopefully soon !

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@Smin1080p Hey sorry for the ping but if possible id like to know if the Gripen has additional thrust more then it should because someone seems to be soreading a rumor that it does

Why did the 2PL move to Rank VIII but the M1A1 AIM and T-80UK stay Rank VII???

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Mine are fairly balanced imo. any idea what the little medal column means though?

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French counterpart of the wiesel 1A4 i’m waiting since long time: Lorh VPX 5000

Rat sized, HOT launcher (so little less powerfull than the TOW on Wiesel), but 4 ready to fire, and while the wiesel is at ~30hp/t, this one is at ~35hp/t :p


Medals can be got when you do X tasks but yea it’s shows how many you got

that looks udderly ugly like a taller marder with an alien wall-e looking like missiles

wdym, it’s cute.

Far from marder size

iirc theres a warrior with the same/similar turret. I wish we’d see more of the weird and whacky ATGM carrier tbh. The always shake up the playstyle you’ve got to use

ik it just looks like marder but taller not in size but in perspective

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Also similar as the one on the Amx10 HOT


It’s a good question, I suppose 2PL will receive DM53 or maybe @Smin1080p can clarify the doubt.

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As upsetting as it is that War Thunder Naval spent the better part of the last 3 years almost stagnant with tech tree progression, I’m getting increasingly worried that they’re going to blitz through the final ~26 years of battleship development as fast as they can to catch up with WT:M.


I have the same question for the Leclerc Azur. It’s an S2 with armor pack, should stay VII and the SXXI should go alone at VIII

I think he is specifically referring to squad vehicles with the same BR.

Yea only 11.7 vehicles went to Rank VIII (and the Merkava folder but that is even more laughable), why would the 2PL

can someone whos Chinese help me track down the original source of this document? We need it to guarantee that the VT-4 receives modern turret movement speed’s!
the only place i can find the document from is this video at 6:30 : 【斗兽场】VT4A1 VS K2 谁是东亚陆战之王 上_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
but there is no link or source on where it originated form or how official it is, so i cant use it in a bug report…

heres the broken up link to the video since it dosnt seem to work here: /G4mZlO3#up

Ha, perhaps… That’s true you guys have squadron vehicle x’)