Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 4)

and that is my argument for why I dont see why they wouldn’t give the SA Gripen AIM-120s when they already made up its loadouts based on it “could” use the weapons

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Oh absolutely im not disagreeing its just one of those weird balance factors that comes back around to bite em

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irrelevant for war thunder
The yak 141 never mounted functional missiles yet it has plenty ingame

it also had no gun, IRST, radar or countermeasures hence why I can see the DA series of Typhoons coming

also If i pre download the update from the launcher can I just start playing right away when the update drops? or do I have to download more stuff?

Phoenix and Sedjil loadout.

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Uh oh guys :p

We never announced this vehicle at all. I’m not sure why people keep bringing it up. We already said not to expect it as it was never coming in the first place.


So Smin opnion on us reaching part 4 and halfway to 5?

hey simn do you know if I download the pre update stuff from the launcher if I will need to download more stuff when the update goes live or can i start playing right away?

It was in the leak list , the one with Cr2 OES, Click Bait ect.

Have a look through the changelog whilst you wait:


the FV107 was as well but we havent seen that


Cause we don’t need a Gripen with AMRAAMS we can have a tornado or harrier
But the Swedish the Gripen C will be thier AMRAAM plane when it comes
Well that what i think

Hopefully the Viggen D gets em too to help that thing out

It depends if there are any additional extra updates to add on. But generally you will be 90% there for sure.


No! Second hand but renovatedAIM–9L I–1 Early JAS-39. Now it’s Iris-T and MS-20 software package Litening III, Data Link-16 not sweden TIDLS. Future Meteor missiles and GBU–49 bombs

People fake a lot of vehciles and add them to lists. Doesn’t mean they were ever real and actually coming.


Yea, but that is the reason it is talked about all the time.